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Posts posted by monkeyblair

  1. 5 hours ago, maicoman said:

    Got to agree with that Can remember about 20 year a go Noddy Holder the Slade man was on late night tv He told the story when he was young and had no moneyhe would go around to the local weirdos house who would lie in the bath with a pane of glass over the bath and Noddy would do a number 2 over the glass as he watched ! Revolting!!

    Facts you just made up thread for this pish.

  2. Quick (probably stupid) question but where does Arya get the faces when she becomes someone else?

    I thought they were kept at that Black and White place - surely she can't be going backwards and forwards to get them?

  3. 36 minutes ago, throbber said:

    I'm not a violet person, i have no interest in falling out with him as i wouldn't put it past him showing up to my house at a weekend with a knife tbf. I don't bite to him as well because he will get the satisfaction from winding me up but i would have expected him to get bored from not getting a reaction out of me time after time but it doesn't seem to be this way sadly. Wont have any more dealings with him now and i wouldn't be surprised if he has gotten the boot this week when I've been away, no one else at the company wants to work with him either he is just a really awful person. 

    What colour are you?

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