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Posts posted by monkeyblair

  1. Took a walk down Argyle Street (heading to look at the Big Yin mural in the Gallowgate) and must have been stopped by at least half a dozen charity workers / beggars / god botherers.

    Despite politely turning down any requests to take part in any surveys / donate cash / join a cult you are often still made to feel like a third rate citizen.

    I have had quieter walks down the strip in Las Vegas.

    On the plus side I did come face to chest with the tallest woman I have ever seen - she was quite a specimen.


  2. More parenting than baby stuff but my 10 year old came bounding in yesterday having just been named Class Captain for P7 next year.

    For a girl who had all sorts of anxiety / separation issues growing up, not wanting to go to school for fear of 'new things' I couldn't have been more proud!

  3. 2 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

    Why did the man cross the road?

    He fell down the drain.


    This was the trophy winning joke told by my (then) 7yo younger brother at a package holiday kids talent show in Malaga. I can't remember exactly what my joke was, but it was definitely far superior. Absolutely shocking that a talent show rewards "awwww, look at the wee boy with stupid glasses on the stage" rather than genuine talent. The joke doesn't even make sense (should be "why DIDN'T the man cross the road?" if anything) and as a result I'm still, and quite rightfully raging 21 years on.



    Raging enough to say your younger brother wears stupid glasses.

    He must love you.


  4. I don't have Sky Box Sets but recently found I could watch Game of Thrones from the start (again) which I decided to do in preparation for the new series.

    When I got to Series 3, however it then says I need to upgrade and have Sky Box Sets.

    Why is that then?

  5. 17 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    It's getting a bit old tbh.  I still like that 'Your Dad's Best Friend' song though.

    I hadn't even considered that as a possibility, indicating how little I know about cars.

    I think it's your choice of cars which indicates that.


  6. On ‎30‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 19:26, Mr X said:

    So now we know the truth .. if you've seen the season finale

    I am watching on Sky 1 and only up to episode 17 - Requiem.

    Have resisted the urge to find out what you are talking about so far - great series.

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