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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Full fat coke from one of those tall 250ml cans. Tastes slightly better.
  2. Delightful. Landing Donervan & Gary Linear Must be worth opening up again...
  3. First return to P&B for quite some time - where did the Misspelt Footballers thread go....
  4. Aye but he wasn't 23 stone when he transferred for £3m, unlike when he played against us at Selkirk.
  5. The Blacklist is one of my favourite shows and I enjoyed Redemption too. Just watched the first episode of the new series and found it pretty enjoyable and as @Mr X says it sets up well for the series to come.
  6. I had tickets for this for Sunday when at the last minute my youngster decided she wanted to go swimming with her pals instead. Gave me the chance to pluck my nose hairs so a better time was had by all apparently.
  7. Very good player, believe he may have been on the books at Sellic at one point but mostly battered around the East of Scotland leagues etc..
  8. Stevie Godden (off the telly news) is in my 5 a side squad. He played last night.
  9. I thought this was an exceptionally good episode, the bonding between Jon and Drogon was superb, he will be motor boating Dany's lovely chest in no time. Tormund's raised eyebrows when he asks if 'the big woman' was with them was the moment of the episode for me!
  10. Dany never managed to pull it out before Drogon turned to try and fry Jaime. I reckon it was quite well imbedded and if hit in the right place could have done a fair bit of damage.
  11. I just ate two teaspoons of Princes Chicken & Ham paste from the jar as my work colleagues didn't think I would. I actually quite like it as it takes me back to my school days - just don't look at the ingredients.
  12. Me and the Mrs sat next to the cast from Spooks on a flight to Las Vegas which was our honeymoon.
  13. Going by the arguements a few pages back - you can't be sure she is dead as you never saw her actually croak it.
  14. When Olenna spilt the beans why did Jamie not slap her about a bit before sticking his sword into her heart? She wasn't dead when he walked out so he could have at least made her suffer a bit.
  15. You could give WeAreElgin a loan of it to put the Celtic strip in.
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