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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Anyhoo, the boss has now pissed off to his 'meeting' in Stirling which happens to be a baw hair away from his house in Doune...
  2. Took a walk down Argyle Street (heading to look at the Big Yin mural in the Gallowgate) and must have been stopped by at least half a dozen charity workers / beggars / god botherers. Despite politely turning down any requests to take part in any surveys / donate cash / join a cult you are often still made to feel like a third rate citizen. I have had quieter walks down the strip in Las Vegas. On the plus side I did come face to chest with the tallest woman I have ever seen - she was quite a specimen.
  3. More parenting than baby stuff but my 10 year old came bounding in yesterday having just been named Class Captain for P7 next year. For a girl who had all sorts of anxiety / separation issues growing up, not wanting to go to school for fear of 'new things' I couldn't have been more proud!
  4. Today I am resplendent in jeans and a t-shirt with my boss sitting opposite me in a suit (hopefully thinking I am battering out E Mails to clients).
  5. Mine does this too but having already opened a fresh milk every-time she has cereal..
  6. Or a million other different things with watermelons on it.
  7. Who is the most popular person in a hospital? The Ultrasound guy.
  8. Raging enough to say your younger brother wears stupid glasses. He must love you.
  9. I don't have Sky Box Sets but recently found I could watch Game of Thrones from the start (again) which I decided to do in preparation for the new series. When I got to Series 3, however it then says I need to upgrade and have Sky Box Sets. Why is that then?
  10. I think it's your choice of cars which indicates that.
  11. I am watching on Sky 1 and only up to episode 17 - Requiem. Have resisted the urge to find out what you are talking about so far - great series.
  12. How this post remained without a greenie until now just beggars belief.
  13. As Hector Nicol would say - I used to go out with a lassie who was 6ft 4". I had to jack it in though.
  14. Is it a urine sample pot that said ladies then take to the doctor to test for vaginal diseases?
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