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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Hi there Mr (insert nay bank name), I have been a loyal customer paying in £500 a month for 20 years, could I please borrow £200,000..... Hello Mr Hedgecutter - f**k right off.
  2. There are hundreds of really good restaurants in Edinburgh which have a really good mixed menu for all to enjoy, why do you feel the need to go to a restaurant exclusivley for vegetarians? You will always be limiting your choices.
  3. The Breafast Club is my all time favourite film for some reason>

    1. Bobby Skidmarks

      Bobby Skidmarks

      Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe.

    2. SodjesSixteenIncher


      ^ A pair of simple minds, imo

  4. If you want hipsters and student-type barflys then man up and go to a meat eating joint.
  5. I always tend to suggest Hendersons on Hanover Street for veggie's in Edinburgh. David Bann's on St Mary's Street is also meant to be pretty decent - £12 - £13 a main course.
  6. She is spending Abi's student loan, you will find out about it in a couple of weeks.
  7. If they were noisy b*****ds then are you not glad the police caved their door in?
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