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Everything posted by monkeyblair

  1. Fell asleep between 12am and 1am this morning whilst trying to watch second NFL conference game. Recorded the second half and set the alarm for 5am to watch it before work so not all bad. Tired now though.
  2. Coffee - 2 sachets and milk. Sugar free since 1/1/13.
  3. I don't think you can just screw on a head gasket.
  4. You lot are tight arses!! £68 for a close road event, plenty of food and drink stops along the way too. Do you know how much it costs to close a full 80 odd miles of road for a day and to steward the event. I believe it is the only closed road amateur road cycle in the UK so stop moaning and registering. As with all these events, you are 'encouraged' to raise money for charity but in no way forced to.
  5. You get proper scran and energy products at the Sportive rest stops....
  6. If people are concerned about the crowding / inexperienced riders in the PFS why don't you register for the Sportive ride instead of the shorter one? You will find that whilst most of the riders there are very competitive, they generally know how to cycle in groups and it is a tremendous challenge. I have also registered for the Caledonian Etape which looks superb!
  7. That's roughly what I thought. Next quick question - do you think the guy wa right to be annoyed when I asked him what the f**k he was up to?
  8. Girls Aloud - Something Kinda Ooooh
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