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L. Brilliant

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Posts posted by L. Brilliant

  1. 37 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    FFS you would think Raith were PSG the way their fans are creaming their pants.

    The reality is we should have been 5 up by the 50th minute. Bell had one save all day and Raith scored with two set pieces.

    Second half Raith were certainly hard working and got in our faces but Bell didn’t have a save to make.

    Armstrong, number 8 and 23 were decent for RR but 4 was hopeless.

    Only got ourselves to blame for not winning

    This is the stuff i logged on to read, more please

  2. Also feeling optimistic but need to bear in mind that even a very good performance is unlikely to steamroller Airdrie - shouldn't be coming on later melting down because we've drawn today. As long as there are signs of improvement again and things are bit more together at the back no one should be getting too upset.

    Hopeful of edging it though. 0-0 ht, 1-2 ft (Vaughan, Miller)

  3. Mendy had a disaster today but I think leaving him on actually paid off - he recovered a wee bit (a wee bit mind) and hos confidence shouldn't be totally shot. With a two year deal, if there's a player in there we need to be finding it. Having said that about his confidence, he still looked (overly) willing to play possession in tight spaces, hit first time passes and played it long cross-field quite ably. Most important now is that he can reflect on what happened and adjust his game: strikers shut you down quickly and they shove you, get used to it immediately.

    Whatever McGlynn got the bin for, he was pretty sure of what he was saying...or very stressed about having signed a pure pudding on a 2 year deal.

    Takes the wind out our sails pretty early doors though.

  4. I'm pleased with the chairman giving us a lot of info, rationale for decisions, transparency and so on - I appreciate this especially while there's not much to be made official/public re signings/departures. Smart move as we've already seen how hard it is for folk not to speculate wildly and jump to gloomy conclusions.

    At the same time I don't think it's the chairman's place to say which player did well or poorly as he's not part of the football operation and not really entitled. I wouldn't appreciate my boss's boss giving me a public appraisal, good or bad. What would be ok is saying where you see a player in terms of squad status/importance in a strategic sense.

    Worst of all is the Buchanan chat, big earner or not, since he's already left the club and most people are happy with the effort and professionalism they saw from him. I think there were similar remarks about Wedderburn? 

    Nonetheless very happy to have the openness about what and how the club is doing.

    And I think the previous chairman might have been superhans lal



  5. I was at Hertha v Stuttgart on Saturday and Stuttgart could very easily contrive to get themselves relegated if they play like that. Not just a lack of confidence but basic competence. Only looked like putting up a fight once Gomez came on, and that was against a pretty pedestrian Hertha.
    I hadn't seen a lot of Stuttgart this season but can definitely see why they are in the position they are in.
    Me too. Stuttgart were really poor. Limp, submissive, extremely relegatable.
    Mind you having seen the 2nd-4th BL2 toiling themselves they might find an undeserved lifeline in the playoffs.

  6. Excuse the intrusion folks, but...
    The thoughts of RR supporters is the key missing in terms of opinion. How did Ray come across at Starks, and did he deliver a decent brand of footie? Cheers.

    The way I remember it, we actually turned the first hour of games (on our good run towards the end of the season) into pretty horrible spectacles, before making decisive subs in the forward areas and getting results.
    We were effective as a disruptive, combative force in those first hours of games but fans were on board as we knew we could get results. The idea that it was good football much of time is a revision IMO.
    McKinnon had great attacking options off the bench as he was really backed in the jan window.

    3-3 against The RFC was a highlight, as were home wins v Hibs and others.

    Snake hoor though
  7. How are the folks from earlier in the thread doing, anyone still in the crypto game? It's been a bloodbath since the nosebleed territory at the end of 2017, but those who got in early enough may still be well up.
    Only occurred to me to come back to the thread as i've been wrestling my broken old laptop to get the 0.8btc off it (skint). Couldnae get electrum to run so i opted for the full blockchain. My gawd has that taken a long time to sync. Only up to about 96% and it's been a real chore.
    I used a bittrex account to sell off a few bits and pieces and i suppose already made a decent profit off the initial 60 or 80 quid i spent (400 or so).
    Btc is creeping up again, $5k now, so unsure whether to sell it all or keep 0.1 or so and see where it goes. I wouldn't be shocked to see it hit 50k or 50p tbh. What was the high, 18k or something?
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