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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. lol I laughed here because it might well turn out to be true and nobody can say for certain either way. Thought this said something else and was like "oh shit what's up @Snifter Pee Rot????"
  2. Joe Lean's little erratic dancing in that scene is tremendous.
  3. Weird to feel joyous at someone batting away calls for wage rises no matter how hypocritical the people calling for it are
  4. It was always the simpler things that got me. I can remember in one of the movies I think, they were trying to rig up a massove catapult to launch one of them sat in a shopping trolley out a garage door. Once they got it all sorted and ready to fire, one of them quickly pulled the garage door shut and launched the trolley into it. The instant look of fear on the lads face followed by getting fired into the door was priceless. Still tickles me thinking about it. This and Johnny Knoxville asking if Butterbean was okay are the two ones that always immediately spring to mind.
  5. People keep talking about today's shite as a deadcat or the press pressure over the party as a stand in for the hundreds of thousands dead either through austerity or the criminal negligence of the government over the last 21 months but it's worth minding that a good 14 million voters and the press don't give a shite about those people dying.
  6. Lucas was crap as well. She looked at the most progressive Green New Deal on offer in the West and opted to prioritise Brexit instead.
  7. Far rather all the cool cities in the North of England than Edinburgh and Aberdeen TBP&FHWY. The Mancs and Scousers hate Westminster and the Tories much more than the aforementioned cities anaw.
  8. This is what the New Statesman podcast does to your brain
  9. Fair enough but Forbes is clearly seen by a few as a future leader and is definitely not far off being seen as a big hitter.
  10. If Starmer, given he has f**k all ability to actually get Johnson punted, can't even call for his resignation or prosecution and instead makes shite gags and limp-dicked calls for an apology then he should f**k off from being the supposed leader of the opposition. Just a total wet-wipe. A perpetual Jiminy Cricket.
  11. Didn't you listen? He walked Dylan out on stage in 1975 and knew The Grateful Dead since 1966. The Safdies talk about him as an inspiration for Uncut Gems.
  12. Worth minding that Keir Starmer has shown that he has zero desire for Boris Johnson to suffer any actual consequences for this. The press can turn the screws now knowing full well the worst thing that can happen is Johnson is replaced by another ghoul. I'd still be surprised if that happens in the near future.
  13. Aw mate am sorry it's just S1 that's been added back on in anticipation of 2.
  14. The line of unacceptability was crossed well before these people left the party.
  15. The SNP are devastated at losing McEleny and Hanvey, Sturgeon is devastated at neutering the lawyer who has been so humbled I cannae even mind her name half the time anymore and the SNP paid for the defections by increasing their vote share at the expense of like 40,000 people who can’t find their wallets. Hard to see how they recover from this.
  16. Game Pass Ultimate is a necessity and will ensure you get every first party title and access to plenty of cool and weird titles on rotation.
  17. I wouldn’t say any of the Jackass squad were cool outwith Knoxville but Jackass is still incredibly funny
  18. Think knowing about being non-binary would've been cool as a wean or a teenager imho
  19. This wouldn't even get you a pass at Higher Modern Studies bro
  20. I know it's always bollocks man but it's class seeing it applied to a sector you worked in.
  21. Misread this and wondered when Bjork did a guest feature with Sugababes.
  22. Jesse Gemstone opening his prayer with "Good afternoon Jesus". Perfect. Forgot how much of this show is just guys with their wee dicks out anaw.
  23. I get why people would think that but as I said to GHB you also get the Hard Times promo and realise at its best it can be pure art. Roland Barthes was correct.
  24. The Righteous Gemstones is back on Now TV and Sky @Bairnardo
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