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Everything posted by hearthammer

  1. Pics (as and when) or . . . . . . . . . . . . . I assume you wok your dog early in the morning before you start with your puds ??
  2. Is "pudding" your Terrier's name ?? Do you dae liver too ??
  3. But you'd probably end up with a dose of the Shih Tzus if Throbber hadn't followed the cooking instructions properly.
  4. If you lived in Vietnam, the dog would be easier to take with you - in 2 large Tupperware dishes or in foil if you wanted it to be kept warm enough till you got there.
  5. The Proclaimers - Scotland's Stor(e)y ()
  6. Gordon Lightfoot - The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald (Apologies for repeating, but it's a brilliant tune)
  7. Maybe you guys should take your romantic small talk into a private message, rather than out here in public ?? Out of curiosity, does BFTDave call you "sweetie" ??
  8. Irony has never featured in your small, hubristic universe, has it ??
  9. Yet you "conveniently" manage to ignore the vile, racist, sectarian bile that's spouted both home and away by your brethern. The lack of condemnation at all, notwithstanding your urgency to dismiss any comments relating to your klan's behaviour, suggests that you are either blissfully unaware of this going on, or perhaps it's a fran n anna thing.
  10. Joan Armatrading - I Love It When You Call Me Names
  11. You enjoy being back in the Kingdom, mate. Getting time away fae the wallys and panners in your normal environs will do you good. You'll be able to check if you've lost any of your cowdengellyphinnans twang tae
  12. Rickie Lee Jones - Chuck E's In Love
  13. Like many politicians these days, they're not there as their vocation, but to enhance their "celebrity" profile. LK is the journalistic equivalent. (ps, just seen i managed to get the 3 variations of the "t" word in quick succession - hope the grammar polis are suitably redundant )
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