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Everything posted by hearthammer

  1. RN, keep your head up and stay focused on getting a) yourself back into a happy and comfortable place within yourself and b) scan the jobs on t'internet that are local to you in your area. I'm in the middle of applying for lots of jobs including some where i've never done anything remotely close to before. Had many positive responses and a couple of interviews. So, if an auld spud like me can get back into the work environment, then you'll be cooking. The important thing is that you be positive about things in the immediate future and the longer term will sort itself out. If you want a wee blether wi' an auld duffer who went through a dip not that long ago, then PM me and i'll be happy to share whatever's happening in a private chat. Stick with it, mate, and things will work out
  2. Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice
  3. Manfred Mann's Earthband - Davy's On The Road Again
  4. Spandau Ballet - To Cut A Long Story Short
  5. Brownsville Station - Smokin' In The Boys' Room
  6. Apologies, they opened for me. I've deleted them, so treat it as a non-event.
  7. Erasure - STOP (the name calling). Let's get the thread fully back on track ()
  8. If you can get to play an online channel, then RTE Gold is brilliant. Varies between the 60s to the 90s and also plays album tracks. You'll hear lots of stuff you haven't heard for ages - and there's minimal talk/chat (with no ads) in between the songs. At the moment though they're throwing in some Christmas guff, but thankfully it's spread out and not one after the other.
  9. Genuine best wishes to all those who have been brave enough to post on this thread with their very personal and otherwise private issues. Hope that by sharing what's going on has helped to relieve any pressures and darkness in their lives. I see from the many responses that there's a lot of good guys on here who have been offering sound and positive advice or suggestions. Hope these have been taken on board by those who have felt the anguish the most. There are lots of ways to kick start things when you feel the doors are all closed and loneliness in particular is the bugger that's holding you back or dragging you down. Always remember, yer neebs are here on P & B. To add a lighter note for the good people on P & B, here's a light-hearted best wishes for what's left of the year and hope that 2020 is a lot better for those who have struggled through 2019.
  10. Nazareth - Holy Roller Greenies all gone for today
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