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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Not sure you can say Klitchko isn't ruthless. He has 50+ kos on his CV!
  2. Who was Hatton with? I remember being at one of his fights at the MEN Arena and the place was full of fucking arseholes. Am sure it wasn't Matchroom. Frank Warren?
  3. You won't be retired long with a diet like that........you'll be dead!
  4. That's a bit harsh mate. Even a moron would know when to lay off the monster munch.
  5. I think there's an element of truth in Joshua saying he beat a focused and prepared Klitchko as opposed to a complacent one. Let's be honest, not many predicted that Fury would outbox Klitchko back in 2015. Fury's CV was just as barren as Joshua's prior to them fighting Klitchko.
  6. Wilder has fought nobodies thus allowing him to throw the haymakers you talk of and disguising his limited technique.
  7. I suspect Jake thinks English football started in 1992.....
  8. Stoke were traditionally a decent sized Club. You could argue the same of Chelsea who were getting sub 20,000 at the Bridge 25 years ago.
  9. Would you rather your Club only got half the roseburn stand?
  10. Not sure I'd be comfortable drinking from the P&B "fountain of knowledge" in all honesty.....probably end up with legionaries disease!
  11. Could have sworn I read that they went out on penalties! I'm going fucking senile in my old age!
  12. Fell off my penny farthing cycling home last night after some c**t put wire at head height across the bridge. Put a hole in my new Harris tweed plus fours. Raging!
  13. There was a guy that survived both Nagasaki & Hiroshima bombings! He's either very lucky or very unlucky whatever way you look at it!
  14. I would have thought P&B would have been all for nuking North Korea given the amount of unprovoked attacks by them on the good ship P&B..... Dig out the launch codes @Div and push that button!
  15. I agree that Hiroshima & Nagasaki ended the war and no doubt saved hundreds of thousands of Allied forces (not to mention Japanese forces) lives but like you allude to, we can't really take any moral high ground when doing so.
  16. Amongst other place. Fucking awful attrosities took place there which the Japanese don't acknowledge. There's still bad blood between Japan and China as well as South Korea about things that happened during the war. A lot of Koreans workers were killed in Hiroshima too.
  17. Read it at the Peace park museum. The figure was for both Hiroshima & Nagasaki.
  18. Yes. They wanted to build their own Empire....just 50-100years later than the Europeans. We're hardly blameless on the imperialistic front though, are we? "Asian for the Asians" I believe was their slogan!
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