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Everything posted by sjc

  1. The reason rich people have accumulated wealth is by not pissing money away on bad or emotional investments! Whether you're trolling or deluded....I can't make my mind up!
  2. Ok. You suggest "attractive investment"......where exactly do these guys get their intial investment, let alone profit for their "risk" out? Please don't say Champions League as that's akin to saying putting your salary on red/black at the roulette wheel.
  3. I do hope you're not suggesting me Doyle?
  4. How can ticketless fans entering a confined & restricted space be deemed blameless?
  5. It's easily forgotten that football back then wasn't the warm, cuddly, family friendly game it is these days. It was blighted by hooliganism causing havoc across the Country/Continent.......anyone old enough to remember this won't be surprised by the finding of the inquiry that the Authorities covered things up. That doesn't mean I think they were right to do so. I've always maintained that the Police were negligent in there acts & omissions but so were the ticketless Liverpool fans that entered the Leppings Lane end that day.
  6. Apparently the fee for MacLeod is £850k with 50% up front then the remaining 50% paid over 3 equal payments every 6months + a 15% sell on clause.
  7. I'm still in bed at nearly 2pm.....can't be arsed getting up & doing fcuk all either!
  8. I once snorted a line of coke with a £7 note. sjco
  9. I had a dream the other night that I killed someone and my parents helped me cover it up! Fcuking cheese & port!
  10. I'm sure it was a third of the previous seasons points total as Hearts got 46points prior to Admin. 46/3 = 15points (rounded to nearest number)
  11. I've had my disagreements with Dhense in the part but (for me) he's made some good valid points today. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.....
  12. Would they liquidate the Club/Company without a prior Admin? If that was the case surely Hearts would have just shred the debt via liquidation?
  13. Hmmm....this is true. What's the Easdales role in this? Are they in on the onerous contracts or did they actually invest in the Club/Company via buying shares?
  14. Liquidation would mean starting back in SPFL2 (or would that be SoSL?).......if crowds are dropping now with fan apathy what would it be like if they knew they were just feeding the very spivs they currently want rid of in spite of "Rangers men" owning the "Club"?
  15. True.....but like the assets, the onerous contracts rely upon the supporters coming through the turnstyles. Liquidation will be the final bargaining chip for those who own the Assets/Contracts. It's a fcuking strange one for sure!
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