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Everything posted by sjc

  1. I'd actually prefer both Chick & Traynor to stumble into this guys shop ! except neither manage to escape !
  2. Totally agree HJ. Only one thing can't stop me having nagging doubts that this won't happen: We live in a shitty backward little Country called Scotland
  3. There's always room for Chick Young at my restaurant..............on the menu: baked dog turds in a bovine urine sauce
  4. am sure it's just the SPL Chairmen meeting tomorrow. You at Dens yesterday, GD ?
  5. Read an article that was posted on here a couple of days back about our TV deal compared with others in Europe. We have the 11th best supported league and only get £13m per season yet Norway get £44m per season ?! Marketing at its finest !
  6. Just listened to yesterdays BBC Sportsound and just loved Chick Young's wonderful analogy: "if you owned a busy restaurant and wee Billy Nomark called looking for a table you'd tell him there wasn't one available for 3weeks.....but if Rod Stewart called looking for a table you'd find space" I bet you wouldn't if Rod Stewart abused the waiting staff, shat in the corner and left without paying the last time he came round ?! I fucking hate Chick Young.
  7. Its just a pity we couldn't bury them under the patio ! We are ALL Beth Jordache
  8. are SFL Clubs allowed to broker their own TV deals ? PS - How's the party going mate ? Hope you got plenty of alcohol in for the big do !
  9. am a bit surprised some people are saying that Rangers/Servco fans will boycott away matches in Division 3 next season.........its not as if they'll be able to watch them on TV is it ?!
  10. hmmm.....SFA to find Rangers/Sevco guilty of using dual contracts, all results from last season recorded as 0-3 loss and thus relegated instead of Dunfermline ? Am I being too cynical ?
  11. How's the party going round at Poz's house ? Hope he's got enough beer in the fridge !
  12. does anyone have any idea of the monthly running costs of Ibrox, Murray Park etc ? I remember £3.5m/month being banded about when they were in Adinistration but am well aware that the high earners are now off the payroll. How much bankrolling will they require an for how long ? til Div 1 ? SPL ? ever ?!
  13. is that Regan or Doncaster's coat ? sorry....my mistake theirs were on much shakier nails !
  14. the only thing I want to hear from Traynor is the self inflicted gunshot and dull thud of his carcass hitting the ground. too far ?
  15. Maybe the reason its taking so long is that Regan & Doncaster are tooled up holding the SFL Chairman hostage ?! "Servco 2012 FC in Division 1 or the slags get it !"
  16. Sorry. very true.....just an overflow of emotion there. I like every other fan within Scottish football has an awful lot riding on this......
  17. I agree that a NO vote wouldn't automatically "fix" Scottish footballs ills.........but a YES vote would have a huge amount of us fans turning our backs on the game in this Country. a NO vote is the ONLY vote.....surely ?!
  18. So today's decision will determine to future of Scottish football: Vote NO = a vote for sporting integrity and a start at readdressing the issues that have hindered Scottish football for many years. or Vote YES = Scottish football consists of Celtic & Rangers (Servco 2012 FC) only and a National team largely ignored by the vast majority of the Scottish population. or am I being too melodramatic ?
  19. More to the point why does anyone in their right mind buy the Daily Record ?!
  20. Yeh sorry about that.just had to empty my sacks ! hope you liked the bike though
  21. Agreed.....We really do need to rid our game of these parasites. For too long the tail has wagged the dog.
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