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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Just a thought....... if the TV deal is dependent upon 4 OF games...........why don't we relegate Celtic into SFL Division 3 ?
  2. Why don't they just give up and accept that they are an outdated concept......like the steam engine or the zeplin.
  3. What's really pissing me off is: when the f**k are the BBC going to change "Club 12" on their website ?! I suspect they're in denial !
  4. Sorry I must have imagine the total "whataboutary" about Religion and nothing to do with football from both the Rangers & Celtic fan in your last post. I appreciate that not ALL RFC & CFC fans are bigots but I have no wish to engage in a conversation about Religion with you or anyone for that matter......would much rather discuss football.
  5. Barry's 100% behind him too !!! Rangers: John Brown to launch takeover campaign Former Rangers player John Brown has put £40,000 of his own money into a fans' fund he hopes will wrest control of the club from the Sevco consortium. He has already urged fans to boycott season tickets for the new Rangers that Sevco hope to field in Division Three. "It is only right that as I have been out in the front of this, I should put my own money in too," said Brown, who is to launch Rangers For Change. Continue reading the main story “I have spoken to Barry Ferguson and he has promised me that he is 100% behind me” John BrownFormer Rangers player"I'm not a wealthy guy and £40,000 represents a huge commitment for me." Brown gave up his job as a Rangers scout to lead takeover attempts after the consortium led by former Sheffield United chief executive Charles Green bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m after the failure to avoid liquidation. "I have meetings with bankers and lawyers arranged for the next two days and believe that, by the end of the week, I will be able to release further details of how Rangers For Change will work." Ferguson came through the youth ranks at Ibrox and was team captain Brown wants wealthy people and former players to each match his £40,000 donation in the hope of raising about £10m he believes could buy out the consortium on behalf of the club's supporters. And he claims to already have the support of former Rangers captain Barry Ferguson, the former Scotland midfielder presently with Blackpool. Brown, a member of the Rangers team that won nine titles in a row in the 1990s, said: "I have spoken to Barry and he has promised me that he is 100% behind me. "He is out of the country on a pre-season training trip, but there is no doubting his commitment and his enthusiasm for my deal. "Because of his pre-season training and playing commitments, it will be a couple of weeks or so before we will be able to sit down together and hammer out the details. "But I can assure everyone how excited Barry is to be given this opportunity to do something for the club he loves." Brown is suspicious of the motives and backers of the Sevco consortium that bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m after the failure to avoid liquidation and retain a place in the Scottish Premier League. Sevco is negotiating with the Scottish FA to field a new Rangers in the Third Division next season, but Brown wants fans to boycott the new club and force it to sell because of a lack of funds. "Getting Barry on board at this early stage is a huge boost for our plans and I believe that he is just the first of many other well-known names from Rangers' past who will be happy to back this commitment to the club's future," added Brown.
  6. sums up why Celtic are just as disliked as TCFKAR..........maybe now your twin brother is deceased you can leave the religious chat for the Chapel/Church/Temple/where ever you worship.
  7. what's John "Bomber" Brown been saying lately ?Any closer to buying Green out yet ? what's the chances that when he takes over he make Leggo their Press Officer ?!
  8. Rangers: Sevco threatens administrator with legal action By Chris McLaughlinSenior Football Reporter, BBC ScotlandThe consortium in charge of the new Rangers is threatening legal action against the administrator who sold them the old club's assets. Sevco Ltd claims that Duff and Phelps renaged on a deal to pay back around £500,000 put up by the consortium to help fund working capital when it agreed to buy the club back in June. But Duff and Phelps has denied that the money should already be paid back. It says it has a legally binding agreement that it has adhered to. The Sevco consortium led by former Sheffield United chief executive Charles Green bought Rangers assets for £5.5m after failing to prevent the club heading for liquidation. Rangers crisis explained Rangers went into administration owing up to £134m to unsecured creditors and will eventually be liquidated As a result its registrations with the Scottish FA and Scottish Premier League were terminated Charles Green led a consortium which bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m The former Sheffield United chief executive is reforming Rangers as a new company But the 'newco' did not get the required votes for re-admittance to the SPL Instead, the new Rangers will start life in Division Three Sevco were denied a place in the Scottish Premier League and the fresh dispute comes in the middle of negotiations with the Scottish Football Association for a membership that would allow the new club to start life in Division Three. A consortium source told BBC Scotland that an agreement was in place whereby it provided the £500,000 to the administrator with the promise of most of it being returned by mid-June. But the consortium has yet to see any of the cash and says it is still awaiting an explanation from Duff and Phelps despite numerous calls and emails. "Shortly before the takeover, Duff and Phelps asked us to make an additional payment of £500,000 to pay for operating costs from 1 June to 14 June," said the consortium source. "This was on top of the original £250,000 and £5.5m. "D&P said they expected to spend only around half of the money, that they'd give a breakdown of all that was spent and that the remainder would be returned a couple of days after the 14 June. "All we have is an indication that most of the money has been spent, with no breakdown." Duff and Phelps, who remain in charge of the old Rangers until it goes into liquidation, refuted the allegations. "It was made clear to the consortium that the balance of running costs from the end of May to June the 14th would be repaid at the earliest opportunity," the adminstrator stated. "These costs and liabilities are being finalised before the balance is being returned. "This is happening within a perfectly normal time frame and there is absolutely nothing untoward here. "There will be full transparancy on all the costs." and the shit just keeps on coming............
  9. would be a shame fucking hilarious in they weren't allowed to use the term "Rangers" at all
  10. Darren Gough makes Billy Dodds look like Einstein is the brains Dept. Goughie (proudly asks) - "why was I nicknamed "Rhino" during my playing days?" Listener - "is it cos your as thick as a Rhino's foreskin ?!" Durham is just a WUM ginger c**t.
  11. Rangers Mens Training Jersey SS£22.99View Quick buy wasn't this their Replica Top ?!
  12. I think the Dons will do well this coming season with signings like Johnny Hayes.
  13. Excellent news Welcome back Dundee........even if Dens does bring back bad memories from a fateful date back in May'86 Right...off to buy a ST for McDiarmid & Tynecastle
  14. I can definately see John "Bomber" Brown & Charles Green fighting in the Players Lounge at Broadwood after an away defeat now !
  15. Just looking at the state of Hateley these days I'd say he has far greater things to worry about than Sevco FC's mythical waltz through the Divisions !
  16. That's the point I was alluding too.......if, as some on here are suggesting that we write off certain teams because they are part time or aren't currently competitive then look no further than St Johnstone or Kilmarnock........25years ago would have been written off yet now two of our bigger teams.
  17. It really points to creating a competitive system that offers benefit to the most rather than just a few......even though I do feel we have too big a professional league set up. I would counter that by advocating a regional pyramid system instead of the current "closed shop"
  18. Not just that, HJ.....its also a moving coal face in that if you went back 25years St Johnstone were a part time Club. Am I right in saying Kilmarnock were also ?
  19. Quite. I wouldn't say we have too many teams but I would say we have too big a professional league set up in that I'd like to see two divisions of 16teams (although more likely to be 14teams) but with a regional pyramid for ALL Clubs to reach the top.
  20. I thought Bill Leckie put Andy Jacobs in his place well on Talksport on Friday when AJ proclaimed that Scottish football was Rangers & Celtic only...........in fairness to AJ he did apologise for offending us Diddy teams.
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