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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Doesn't Leggo's blogs usually get posted about 8am after a heavy night of neat whisky, 40 regal king size, 5 acid tabs and 15mins on his blow up doll ?
  2. I didn't know the difference hence I merely asked the question ! well done though stonedsailor 1 - 0 sjc !
  3. are you sure about that..isn't their SFA membership & SPL League share two different things ?
  4. Have I missed something here.......but if they aren't voted into the SPL do they require voting into the SFL Div 3 ?
  5. it would be fucking hilarious if they were stuck in Division 3 for years !
  6. does anyone else think that the more the lowlife element of their support react this way the less chance/support for the phoenix out of the ashes Club to resurrect ?
  7. The irony is I fucking despise that accusation myself ! No8 knows I'm only joking.....he's a good man.....at least when his Lithium prescription is renewed
  8. I'd invite No8 to Tynecastle next season but I'd hate for him to be accused of being a *** with the bus fare ! Sorry couldn't resist.........
  9. I wonder if that fat f**k will be strung up in George Square akin to Mussolini in 1945 after his evil empire crumbled ?!
  10. I know if was referring to a different case but was still critical of the HMRC as a whole regarding it leaving its involvement too late.
  11. Have you renewed your ST yet or are you waiting to see if we'll be golfing on match days, Poz ?
  12. Insolvency News: HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) was criticised by a leading figure in the insolvency industry for not getting involved in football insolvencies earlier. Lee Manning a partner at Deloitte and the current president of R3 claimed if HMRC got involved when it first saw PAYE problems there’d be more left for other creditors. Speaking during a panel discussion on football insolvencies at the Insolvency Group Annual Conference yesterday (14 June) Manning said: “HMRC leave it rather late until they bring action. “HMRC could put their foot on the accelerator and then there would be more in the pot for others.” Manning also stated the ten point rule, where football clubs going into administration are deducted points automatically, “encourages trading when insolvent”. But on a positive note Manning added: “There’s a huge failure rate no other industry could sustain it, but only one club (Maidstone) has failed to emerge.” During the same panel Trevor Birch of PKF, the administrator of Portsmouth Football Club, admitted one player alone at the club was earning more than the average entire wage bill for a league one side. Pompey were relegated to league one at the end of last season after being deducted ten points for going into administration. At the same event and giving the keynote talk Cobra beer chairman Lord Bilimoria called the Company Voluntary Agreement (CVA) process “deeply flawed” and said the UK “desperately” needed a US-style Chapter 11 system. By Luke Walsh could have been shot of them sooner by the sounds of it !
  13. Wouldn't it be great if the voices in Leggo's head told him to burn Ibrox down as a continued policy of "scorched earth" akin to the previous regimes ?
  14. those 3 could give Tolstoy a run for his money when it comes to works of fiction !
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