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Everything posted by sjc

  1. that looks great. what veg do you put in it? i like to lace chillies through mine to mix it up a bit Broccoli, carrots, courgette, aubergine, red, yellow & green peppers, onion, celery, tomatoes, 3 different types of mushrooms, pimento stuffed green olives, garlic, fresh basil, green pesto and a touch of Worcester sauce. Would normally put chillies in but my daughter needs to have some too.....I have fresh jalapenos (rare here in Matsuyama!)....so might put a finely chopped one into my portion The white sauce is just milk, flour and cheese with a touch of ground black pepper.
  2. What's better than freshly homemade vegetable lasagna? Two freshly homemade vegetable lasagna's of course!
  3. Vegetable lasagna just out of the oven and the aromas' are outrageous! Won't be eating it until tomorrow so the flavours will have infused even more plus it'll retain its shape......roll on Thursday!
  4. In fairness to my wife, she likes to point out attractive people (both men and women). She's not the jealous type thankfully and neither am I. Still, it's best to be discreet imo.
  5. Poor show. Always take advantage of a fully cooked breakfast if it's being made by someone else and even more importantly, part of the price of a hotel stay!
  6. Fair enough. What are Mr & Mrs Bottom-Feeder having for breakfast?
  7. As Belouis Some said in their 1980's hit single. Imagination, could make a man of you.....
  8. You'll need to quantify this by telling us where they've "come down to breakfast".......
  9. Warm, sunny autumnal public holiday yesterday so took my wife and daughter to the park for a picnic. Enjoyable day with the added bonus of some very milfy views......
  10. Never been to a UFC event but I'm guessing, like boxing crowds, there's some utter bottom feeders in attendance.
  11. They were to the dog in Dambusters......
  12. They have terrific mozzarella though....
  13. Sign knocked in using copper nails......
  14. You're going to need more than 12 cans to wash down a donner kebab, mate.....
  15. She must keep an entire CSA department busy!
  16. Was out with my daughter and in-laws to watch the Mikoshi festival in town today when someone asked my father in law if I was American, to which he replied, "no, English"........I nearly went Malcolm Tucker on his arse! In fairness, he did profusely apologise when I corrected him.
  17. Great link! This is a thing of absolute beauty! 84/85 season...... memories of Platini & Boniek!
  18. Who is the P&B Poster in question?
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