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Everything posted by sjc

  1. True. It's a bit like when Jack Nicholson went into the asylum in One flew over the cukoos nest, and patients there found their lives were enlightening by the entertainment he brought but deep down they all knew that the institution was be better off without him. If 2012 was the lobotomy, we just need some Big Chief to forcibly hold the pillow over their head......
  2. I don't buy into this "banter years" shit to be honest. The real joke is the "Club" itself.......
  3. Newcastle will get him for a few Hummel replica shirts in the summer......
  4. Do you lot deliver to Matsuyama? You can f**k off with your waiting time too!
  5. They don't really do gravel paths or even lawns in their gardens here in Japan. They'll spend infinity sculpting some tree but happily let the rest of the garden look like waste ground! Strange bunch these Japanese.
  6. What sort of mentalist would get married more than once?!
  7. Shovelled 2T of gravel down the side of the house today. Sourcing materials in Japan is an absolute pain in the arse......it's only taken 6 months to find!
  8. The fact that their players were ineligible for 13 years is an even greater issue tbh.
  9. There's always some poor sod at every school whose maw has seen more cocks than a Dundee piss hoose!
  10. Are they planning on rebuilding Aberdeen City centre around the new stadium?
  11. There was a guy in our school known as touch 'n' go for similar reasons!
  12. That's a tad harsh, even if @BuzzGTI would shag a barbers floor.......
  13. For the sake of my mental health, I sincerely hope this isn't a euphemism.
  14. I wasn't being entirely serious tbh, just tenuously linking it with the various tweets I've seen recently from numerous Police Forces in Scotland after they've raided Supporters buses. FWIW, I agree that repealing the OBFA made no sense.
  15. RE: Sectarianism. The authorities should just take the same, spineless blanket ban they've done with alcohol on public transport with supporters and just banned football.......
  16. Not from late October through to late February in Scotland it doesn't........
  17. Roses are red, Rangers are dead. Minty's creative accounting put them to bed....
  18. Try putting blue stilton in Portobello mushrooms and wrapping them in Parma ham.....grilled from 5 mins until the cheese melts/ham goes crispy. Delicious!
  19. f**k sake mate, the man is probably reading this! Now I'm not saying I definitely wouldn't piss on Keith Jackson if he was on fire, but I'd certainly give him a chance to catch alight first though........
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