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Everything posted by sjc

  1. I would rather listen to my family being tortured that listen to Chick Young.
  2. Appreciated. I've just made myself chips, fried rice and gravy to try salvage something from today.
  3. My mother in law just made me a nice runny fried egg for breakfast, which I broke and mixed with a touch of brown sauce. No bread or toast to mop up that loveliness. The World truly is fucked.
  4. Great to hear you're (all) well and in a positive frame of mind Gambatte! x
  5. How are you Mrs? Hope you and the brood are well. x
  6. I stood there for the Hadjuk Split game in 1986/7. A 2-0 win I seem to recall.
  7. The Republicans and Democrats (bar Bernie, Tulsi and a couple of others) are one and the same thing. Bought and paid for by the global Corporations! The Democrats have only done away with super delegates in round 1 but have increased the number of candidates, therefore increasing the likelihood of a round 2. i.e it's a fix!
  8. It's based on the Super delegates screwing Bernie in round 2 as opposed to round 1 this time. Trump is almost a protest vote for Democrats instead of maintaining the status quo they'd get with Obama/Clinton/Biden. If you don't believe me, watch Jimmy Dore on YouTube!
  9. He would as the Democrats seem intent on cheating Bernie and/or Tulsi again in favour of Joe Biden! Democratic voters won't turn out for Biden, just like they didn't for Hillary.....some even voted for Trump instead!
  10. Let's be honest, I'd far rather subject my eyes to this that Gary Ralston's usual "releases" about Rangers*......
  11. Chick Young's opinions should be filed next to the idea for nuclear powered aircraft......in the fucking bin. In fact, get Chick Young in the fucking sea. Yes, nuclear powered aircraft was an idea: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear-powered_aircraft
  12. Has she stuffed a carrier bag of tennis balls up her jumper?! How can her face be relatively thinin comparison?
  13. I had to climb those floodlights at Dens back in 1993 for a structural survey. Middle of winter, no gloves and no fall arrest system what could possibly have gone wrong?!
  14. One plus point for Kingsford: At least we'll never have to listen to Aberdeen fans moaning about having to leave home at 6am for games at Hampden again as they'll be used to it for home matches........
  15. I thought a large portion of Aberdeen's support travelled up from the central belt to Pittodrie for home matches?
  16. No chance mate. Sounds like you've got bad aids. I'm afraid to say that you'll probably be dead by Monday.
  17. Kingsford is that far away it might as well be the Stone age to be honest......
  18. It's still a significant problem that needs addressed for an independent Scotland, as we discussed the other day.
  19. According to ScotGov figures, trade between Scotland and: rUK 77% EU 15% RoW 8% Hence my post the other day questioning Scotland's logistical capacity to deal with exports.
  20. It's also a mute point in that 100+years ago football didn't have numerous other sports and recreational pastimes to complete with. Sitting in a soulless indentikit stadium 5 miles from Aberdeen City centre in the middle of winter won't have many suitors after the novelty has worn off.
  21. St Johnstone have just had their most successful era of their entire history and attendances have hardly budged.....
  22. I know, I'm originally from Perth. I was making the point that after the new novelty factor had worn off, it's location started becoming an issue for people attending. I think Kingsford will be the same for Aberdeen.
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