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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Probably for the best. We have an electric hob here so she'd struggle to light her snouts.......
  2. I'm sure that was either Epstein or one of the Podesta brothers, both with close links to the Clintons........proving "it's not what you know, it's who you know"!
  3. If she's any good at cooking, cleaning and looking after kids then it's a deal!
  4. Can only imagine the make up run as the pinot grigio fuelled cycle of emotions kicks in!
  5. Getting banned from a loosely moderated football forum.
  6. I thought those were arse cheeks.....
  7. You'd give your wife away for free, let along a swap!
  8. Agreed. For me, they fall into the "child food" category along with fish fingers, Nutella etc f**k all wrong with partaking in a bit of child food comfort eating occasionally imo.
  9. Cheers Zen. Truly sickening how these beastly c***s keep getting away with it and only exposed after popping their clogs.
  10. Hasn't it been proven, albeit posthumously, that Freud was indeed a massive nonce?
  11. Come to think of it, wasn't Freud supposedly in cahoots with Jeffrey Epstein and/or the Podesta brothers?
  12. No sure but my Dad's friend hit one in his motor (my dad was a passenger) near Stanley and they got the local butcher to carve up the spoils!
  13. I knew the guy that owned that place. He's dead now sadly but where will I get his estate send the invoice?
  14. Might have been on a documentary. Can't remember. Given the whole Dolphin Square/Elm Park Guest House allegations and rumoured cover ups, I wouldn't be surprised tbh.
  15. Damn right I'd eat the venison.....especially if it had fucked my motor!
  16. Wasn't there a link reported between Clement Freud and the McCann's through Dundee University, as well as his holiday home being within close proximity of the resort where Mandeleine disappeared from?
  17. I know what you mean. I don't mind taking the time to cook to be honest, it's getting hold of certain ingredients here that's the issue for me. Back in the UK, if I fancied a curry I'd go out for one, over here the curry houses aren't that great. Which creates the dilemma.
  18. I tend to agree, although I keep meaning to try following one of the Balti house recipes from YouTube
  19. What's happening with Adonis Stevenson's condition? Haven't heard anything (haven't looked to be fair).
  20. Threw together a pretty decent curry last night. Chicken breast, onions, garlic, ginger, peeled tomatoes, cumin, garam masala, chili powder, tumeric, coriander paste, coconut milk and tandoori paste. Served with fresh chopped coriander, white rice and garlic naan. Washed down with a nice Suntory premium malts Have made far worse following recipes and even in curry houses to be fair. Will definitely make again.
  21. They could have cloned Maddie for half that, FFS!
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