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Everything posted by sjc

  1. If it's one thing Scottish football needs, it's more Armed Forces Days. The perfect way to bring one and all together and in no way divisive......
  2. Sounds good although Nissin is the go to brand for noodles and ramen over here.
  3. It's too fucking hot! Over 3 weeks consecutive of 35C+ and 80% humidity. Not feeling great TBH
  4. Currently packing up clothes for moving house and found a skimpy Doctor's outfit of my wife's..........the wee durty kept that one quiet!
  5. Very true. Posted on a Samsung Galaxy s9 whilst chained to a radiator somewhere in the Lebanon...........
  6. Christophe's epitaph will read : "Would have red dotted more of LincolnHearts posts if only it mattered a jot" On the bright side, you'll have plenty more time for red dotting once the schools break up I suppose......
  7. Not sure or interested who's right or wrong in your argument with Lincoln Hearts but you both come out of it looking somewhat childish. The old saying "never argue with an idiot as they reduce you to their level" springs to mind......
  8. Most people tend to ignore things that "don't matter a jot" to them TBF....
  9. Nothing says "doesn't matter a jot to me" more than red dotting someone's post on an anonymous football forum IMO......
  10. All those pins in your voodoo doll of me didn't work I'm afraid, GD......
  11. Sensational reading! United to relegate Dundee in the play off final to send this thread into uproar once again please......
  12. Absolutely outrageous thing to say. Wontnly urging on a fellow Poster to commit suicide with scant regard to their current state of mental health......2nd only to mounting a dotting campaign IMO......
  13. ^^^Me after reading the last few pages of this thread.
  14. Okonomiyaki (Hiroshima style) for lunch. Up there with ramen as a favourite. Healthy too!
  15. If a Club can play numerous ineligible players in all competitions (winning many of them) for over a decade and only be subjected to a £250,000 fine then why should anyone give a f**k about the "rules"?!
  16. It'll be interesting to see what the outcome of playing an ineligible player in the Cove tie is. It should be that the tie is forfeited 3-0 but it's not as if player registration is considered an important issue in Scottish football......
  17. You just got to strap yourself in for that Craig Levein roller coaster ride my friend. It's like Alton Towers except much, much shitter.
  18. Year 1 is way too early, this season is all about gelling as a team. Years 2 and 3 of all those shree year deals will truly see this team flying.........
  19. My wife is a big fan of his work but I remain heavily sceptical whilst he continues to dodge answering my numerous requests for information.
  20. She has in fairness but she's a Doctor so it's been more like a "busman's holiday" for her. Nobody ever told me......
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