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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. Premier Sports stated during the live broadcast they would be showing the Celtic V Rangers semi
  2. If you read the Motherwell vs Hibs thread pretty much everyone commenting suggested it was a howler of a decision to send Mugabi off
  3. Awful song and sung by wee fannies that probably complained about Rangers songbook yesterday. Have noticed it has appeared in the last few away games for some reason, horrible song
  4. Here is the law then Handball before scoring The second change is on accidental handball in the immediate build-up to a goal. If an attacking player's accidental handball immediately precedes another player scoring, the goal will now be awarded, when last season it was likely to have been ruled out And for someone so pedantic about the laws you would have thought you might have known them
  5. It was a goal incorrectly chopped off as the handball isn’t deliberate and it isn’t him that scores so United have just gotten a decision given to them by the referee. Like it or not that’s the rules
  6. Your delivery was much better though
  7. Within 3 minutes it’s seems they did indeed get a decision
  8. No Jota or Abada??? Have to be injured or covid related shouldn't be in need of a rest after 8 days off. Really not sold on Maeda on the left either tbf however still a really strong team
  9. Not sure if its him thinking there wont be an opportunity, he's already had first team opportunity and done well however we are ofc not privvy to the conversations hes having with the coaches and Ange But Liverpool is one of the biggest clubs in the world, they can offer significantly more than we can however he will be further away from 1st team football than he is at Celtic but again we wont ever be privvy to what else he has been promised. KT should be the example to most of these kids, came through, stuck it out got his chance and took it. Look at him now and the rumours surrounding him going to Madrid but if he does go, good luck to him.
  10. Ofc you do they are only copying what Rangers have been doing since 2012
  11. A red card could be a shout as well. Getting a bit feisty
  12. When your luck is in it’s in. Entertaining game tbf
  13. You don’t need control as you say so long as the ball is in play. The Kyogo one against Motherwell for the slap on the back of the head while the keeper had the ball is a good example of that. Wow whoever thought we would agree on a decision?
  14. That’s a pretty defensive midfield 3 or are Rangers playing 3 at the back?
  15. I remember seeing this discussed before and guy who was in his 80’s claimed it was heard now and then in the 50’s at Celtic Park. Celtic fans had often taken chants from musicals after all Hail Hail comes from the Pirates of Penzance. I think it’s one of those long disputed ones that we will never ever know the true answer to.
  16. You are right, i detect no seething whatsoever And since you feel the need for me to be more specific then the above is actually sarcasm and not me being in agreement with you. Just so you are clear
  17. No what you were doing is trying to be a wee bit snide. People who are taking the pish don’t just make things up and suggest it’s something you said. That’s just weird behaviour, genuinely who does that?
  18. No you aren’t being unfair but you are making that up and making a bit of a c**t of yourself doing it. You may wish to go read that post again and see what i really said
  19. I’m the CEO of Sky? You ok or have you gone full gone Bennett?
  20. I call someone a c**t on this forum and you all walk on by, i call Broony a legend and it’s raining red dots. The level of seethe is amusing
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