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Posts posted by Jinky67

  1. 50 minutes ago, bennett said:

    It's noticeable in that video at just after 6 seconds, it looks like he lifts his head and spits.



    These daft gifs do you no favours at times.

    Who do I require a favour from? You? 😂

    And now since we have established you can actually see and reply to my posts just fine and have just been avoiding answering, tell me do you think Rangers should have had the penalty awarded for the Johnston handball?

  2. 51 minutes ago, AJF said:

    It is horrible if he has spat at Celtic fans and as mentioned, should deserve an additional ban. However, has he actually spat at them?

    You can see he is spitting off to the side without question, but don’t the Celtic fans sit above the tunnel at Celtic Park? If you consider the video below, he spits off to the side. The picture of the tunnel below shows he’d need to spit up the way to target a Celtic fan given how close he is to the tunnel. It’s happened right in front of a Celtic official as well and they don’t seem to have made any reaction to it. 

    I’m not denying it if he has, which would be abhorrent, but it does seem reasonable that he could have just spat against the wall.



    Just like the Bernardo/Goldson challenge you backpedalled on it’s all about the angles.

    if spitting against the wall why would you look up and do it?


  3. 2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    It’s still surprising me that Balogun spitting at Celtic fans is being roundly ignored.

    I posted it much earlier in the thread, it’s abhorrent and hopefully it gets picked up and he faces the ban he deserves, it’s as scummy an act as you get.

    However Sevco have perceived themselves to be wronged to that noise will likely drown it out 

  4. 35 minutes ago, gannonball said:

    Is it not because they checked to see if it was a penalty, it wasn't because he is offside so it goes back to the original decision which was a goal kick? I could be wrong as I really don't know the ins and outs of VAR protocols.

    No if he gives the offside instead of a pen then it “should” be a free kick. The time taken to make the decision shows Collum decided no penalty as the VAR would have taken longer if they decided it was a pen. They would then have to check the attacking phase which would have ruled it out anyway hence why you see the offside part later. 

    The offside hasn’t been part of the decision making here, it’s just been shown to show that even if Collum throught it was a penalty, the ref would never have been invited to view it pitchside as there was an offside in the build up anyway. 

    Collum is probably wrong to say it’s not a penalty, I think most of us think it is however it would never have been taken

    You can then say why bother checking the attacking phase and show it if the original decision was no penalty as no foul is committed, I think they do this anyway as part of their process it just doesn’t have to be done before allowing play to continue.


  5. 19 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

    That statement is for the Rangers fans, absolutely no doubt about it - surprised they didn't suggest replaying the game.

    Will that statement have any impact on things going forward? I say no it won't. Yes it was a penalty, yes it was a mistake - get over it. Rangers didn't deserve anything from the game - they didn't play well.

    Still ultimately the correct decision 

  6. 31 minutes ago, GeorgiosSamaras said:

    Thought Clement was a step up from Beale but feel better after watching his Rangers team do the same as every other Rangers and SPL team has for the past two years and just shell long ball after long ball at Greg Taylor. That the Bears would rather focus on the process behind them not getting a penalty for the first time in years, instead of their complete lack of creativity and game plan suits us. 

    A warning for Celtic fans, who like me, want us to add more physicality to our team. They need to be able to play as well, no use having big guys if they're all rotten at football. Thought the captain was brilliant. O'Riley and Bernardo very impressive too. What more is there to say about Kyogo? Best since Larsson. 



    Baldemort flatters to deceive 

  7. 2 minutes ago, AJF said:

    My first line of my post you quoted literally says “it’s more to do with creating a narrative and playing to the gallery”. So no, I’m not suggesting it’s merely wanting clarity, which I agree they could easily do privately.

    The comment you initially took exception to was when I stated that nobody here was suggesting it was wrong to disallow the penalty. Which I stand by, they have not argued against the fact that Sima is offside.

    @bennett hasn’t said it was wrong 😉

  8. 26 minutes ago, Chris Partlow said:

    The Sterling one is never a yellow, never mind a straight red.

    It's a 50/50 challenge.

    I didn’t think it was either I said that at the very start so I don’t agree with the take from Celtic fans on the Twitter thread. The reason for posting was to show the ref was consistent when not awarding Bernardo or AJ a 2nd yellow.

    All of these are just coming togethers but none are yellows imo.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

    That is the unspoken option which they want to leave hanging in the air, without overtly saying it. 

    Am I right in thinking anyway, that if it’s option 2 and collum did think it was clear and obvious then he’d subsequently have to go back and check for offside in the build up anyway? 

    Yes irrespective of whether the penalty was given on field or off field by VAR it would then be ruled out once they checked the attacking phase of play which they have to do. Either way it wouldn’t have stood.

    The argument has since evolved especially on Twitter to suggest Sima can’t be offside as he’s not interfering with play. It’s mental stuff


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