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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. Poor goal to lose. Hart badly positioned and can’t shift fast enough, the wall not standing up properly and wtf is Kyogo doing in the wall anyway? If there is a positive to take they look as fragile at the back as us
  2. Generally can’t recall any Celtic fan on here using that as a reason for piss poor performance over recent seasons. It’s just a stick diddies like to beat us with. The reason for poor performances are just that we have been poor not every team we play has silly resources like Real Madrid or the EPL teams so we should be more competitive than we have been
  3. Then explain what is controversial about it then instead of spouting the usual inane, tedious shite you normally do.
  4. He’s still young but you could question the decision making of all our wingers at times.
  5. Even the Dundee fan a few posts before said it’s clearly a pen. He kicks his standing leg in the box so what else is it? Must be difficult to focus through tear stained specs
  6. We aren’t playing with close to the same tempo as last season but that’s Rodgers. One notable difference today was that we seemed to revert back to inverted fullbacks which does seem to suit GT and AJ. I thought O’Riley was really good today however
  7. Daft c**t now greetin about stonewallers Poor wee broken Benny
  8. Is this all you ever comeback with, that someone is either rattled or raging? The illusory truth effect method doesn’t really work for you mate
  9. Hopefully we see Palma and Bernardo get a run out at some point. Palma by all accounts had a pretty good game for Honduras the other day
  10. You might want to read the sentence again Benny however I’ll help you by pointing out the key word in there is enough
  11. I take it the suggestions he was leaving were just all nonsense then
  12. Bit ironic that mate considering i had already detailed what it actually means and you just didn’t read it and the fact we have been down this road before and only one of us really needed to calm down Nice try though but you don’t have the talent nor do I value your opinion enough
  13. You haven’t pointed out anything other than you being selective about what see as being fair and if you are hung up on me making a quip then yeah I did because I don’t think this is the correct thread for it to be debated in and it became a very clear and toxic attack on a few posters by people who also clearly have a significant blind spot. If you are keen to prolong that then fair enough but I’d rather take it somewhere where a real discussion and debate could happen. I’ve already said what I think should happen and repeated it for your benefit alone so you should be very clear on my feelings on it.
  14. You haven’t read far enough back then as I’ve already said where this happens clubs should be docked points, forfeit their standing in cups or banned altogether along with fines that are severe but proportionate to their turnover so clubs where it happens more often or in bigger numbers then have a bigger reason to deal with it, quickly. But if you honestly think this issue is equally as important as addressing the financial imbalances in the league then you need to give that head a wobble mate.
  15. Tbf mate I think dealing with issues regarding offensive behaviour and sectarianism slightly supersede any gripes you have over the fair split of revenues and how competitive our league is. Just my opinion of course
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