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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. When it comes to dealing with intolerance, hatred and offensive singing absolutely, unless you feel differently?
  2. It’s not about putting any club on a level, it’s about where these songs (and by these songs I mean anything sectarian or otherwise offensive) are heard no matter how small the numbers or how infrequently the clubs need taking to task. It’s the only way you wipe it from the stands from every club, in every part of the country. No levels required just a consistent no tolerance approach
  3. You either want to tackle the problem as a whole no matter where, when and by how many. The minority/majority argument is a convienience to keep the focus centred in a specific direction. Are there clubs with bigger issues? Yes however the approach and penalties for this sort of behaviour should be consistent if you every really want to tackle it
  4. Well mate I’ve never been punched in the face at Tynecastle but I have been called a tarrier, dirty ****** b*****d, told I’m a beast, a pedofile, child abuse enabler whilst visiting as a Celtic fan. Does this make you an enabler of that abuse for continuing to go as your club and by in large the fanbase do nothing? Don’t be so fucking daft. Fair play to you if you have but you are also a minority in that respect as most fans don’t. Even as a Celtic fan I cannot make a sweeping generalisation that all Rangers fans are hateful or pander to the anti-Catholic sentiment that you can hear in the stands. Can the club do more? Absolutely starting with the gaudy and staunch displays, the Orange football strips, some of the music played etc etc however I still can’t accept every Rangers fan is a wrong un just because they support Rangers. That’s not my reality The easiest way to stop it is via points deductions, forefits, sanctions or even ban clubs from playing in the cups. There are ways to tackle this but it has to be consistently applied across the league.
  5. With some of his post yes especially in regards to every fan being a wrong un because if that’s the case then it would have to apply equally to every fan of every club where they have morons that want to indulge in this shit, it’s not the reality. And fair play to you not many have the minerals for that. At the Ross County season opener, those fannies who call themselves the Bhoys decided to give a rendition of RITG at Celtic Park, I haven’t heard that since the 90’s, it’s an odious song, however it was good to see a number of fans just below and to the left of them give them pelters until they stopped.
  6. It’s also the number of other fanbases jumping on it, it’s becoming the norm for many of them.
  7. Have you ever objected to your fans singing sectarian songs or singing about child abuse?
  8. Offensive chanting is offensive chanting whether it be sectarian, about terrorist organisations or the new favourite which is the weaponising of child sex abuse. It all needs to get to f**k.
  9. No just confused to the why you do it not that you actually do, there is a discernible difference mate
  10. I’m aware of your other interests which is why you are the person who quotes or replies to me more than anyone else on here irrespective of who I am trying to converse with
  11. If I’m making it easy for him let him have his fun with it, genuinely confused as to why you would care about daft tit for tat banter between rival fans whose teams you don’t support.
  12. Now that’s sarcasm. But tbf your intent doesn’t really matter to me, you saw it as an opportunity to have a laugh at our expense which is all fair game so you can’t be unhappy when the shoe is on the other foot and we use it to have some fun back I also won’t retort to suggest Beale has shat it from Rodgers as that would be daft, he’s just shit
  13. Then why the f**k do any of us bother supporting our teams if not to engage and celebrate our teams achievement? What an absolutely soulless and pointless existence you must have, a complete and utter mood hoover.
  14. You do realise you can expect and still feel a sense of achievement? They aren’t mutually exclusive
  15. You could never offend me mate, you just don’t have that in you.
  16. Where does he say come and get me in that article or in the actual interview?
  17. The good thing about a points per game metric is that it allows you paint whatever narrative you want to tell yourself but the only thing that matters is 13 is greater than 9. And it’s not an argument mate, we dropped the same number of points in the last 4 games as we did in the previous 34. It’s pretty clear we took the foot off the gas. But yeah points per game etc etc etc
  18. A bit of a fallacy the points per game comment as it really doesn’t tell the story. He was 9 points behind Celtic when he took over, he was 13 points behind on the day we put it beyond him and won the league. Anything beyond then doesn’t really matter as the damage was done
  19. I’m not claiming to be any sort of decent wordsmith MT however I think my point still comes across.
  20. No 8 If it’s the same guy that was emptied from here which is probably is at it reeks of lowlife p***k then this of no surprise. And if you are lurking about here still
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