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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. Quite possibly, poor old boy has been pushing up the daisies for a while but you lot do enjoy trying to revive the dead so if that’s what he’s into he can crack on.
  2. I didn’t ask you to get into it, it was just one simple question, do you think he’s a w**k for winding up and making jibes at his opponents since this in your opinion is w****r behaviour
  3. I can’t say I have not however I don’t use Tik Tok. I have some some of his postings shared where he is being rather obnoxious and making jibes at his opponents resulting in some twitter spats so surely you must think he’s a w**k too?
  4. I mention tedious and repetitive and here you both are, it’s almost as if I’ve called you both by name.
  5. No it would be as there would be another wannabe “ultra” group that would take their place. This ultra sub culture that exists causes a lot of problems at many clubs however ours are clearly larger and much more noticeable due to profile, airtime we get and the “political” views being aired. They ban one and another will pop up. I was mortified at the Ross County game last week as I was sitting near where “The Bhoys” are located and couldn’t believe my ears when I heard them start RITG inside Celtic Park. Haven’t heard that shit since the 90’s, awful. These Ultra groups now seem to want to compete to see who can be the biggest bellend But Celtic threads revolve around 3 points, all of them and that’s “your fans are scum”, “it must be boring being a Celtic fan” and “the refs give you everything”
  6. Tbf I’d quite like to vanish to anywhere else so long as I don’t have to read this tedious, inane and repetitive shite. Do you honestly think we have control over where we play?
  7. Haven’t read the full conversation so could be picking this up wrong but you think Holm is w**k but don’t want to talk about Cantwell due to the abuse he receives online?
  8. My first post was on the matter clearly mentioned how the pro-Ira guff is a really unfortunate and wholly unnecessary part of our away support songbook so if I was trying to side step the issue then I’m not very good at it but don’t let those simple facts Benny stop you pushing your own version, it’s what you do best
  9. I’ll be honest I’ve never given it a huge amount of thought recently as I don’t regularly go away as to how they get tickets so easily especially with some of the current allocation levels, I sign up for the HCTS scheme for Cup games and buy my seat for the European games but that’s me. I imagine they would somehow still find a way through supporters clubs or asking someone else to get the ticket for them so it would have to be addressed both home and away. The criticism isn’t unwarranted regarding appetite from clubs and authorities to change it
  10. Benny you stalk my posts like Mark David Chapman so you are well aware of my views on this
  11. I haven’t deflected at all and there is no huge point, I’ve said quite candidly it’s unacceptable, unnecessary and doesn’t belong in football. So if that sounds like standard Celtic then i’m pleased as it means more people are thinking more like me than those you heard today. And let’s drop the rattled shite, you couldn’t on your best day mate.
  12. I’ll acknowledge it but that’s because I was there in 98 just after it as a serving member of the Armed Forces. The shame is many of the clowns in our support who still pander to it have no concept of the reality of it as they weren’t alive at the time which makes it all the more mindless. You can blame the parents however it’s not always that, I even caught my own son singing it once and he felt the consequence of it as i just won’t have it in my house. I don’t know the answer to it or how to solve or if it ever can unless there are extensive banning orders to keep people away. Mate I’ll happily acknowledge many of the songs sung today are pro-IRA and have no place at the football, it’s why i and many others don’t like to go to away matches as it’s uncomfortable for some of us but I can assure that one particular song isn’t despite it being sung by those who are desperate to keep it alive. Like the Troubles it belongs in the past.
  13. No I would say so, I’ve called it out too many times to count on here but the heightened attention was more to do with the accusation of that particular song being a hymn and being changed to a pro-ira song. And for the record they are all awful and all need emptied imo
  14. Look above and you will see there is no deflection or defence just clarity on what is and what isn’t.
  15. I didn’t actually accuse him of being rattled at all mate, reading the actual conversation would be helpful to make that clear to you in the same way I wasn’t denying IRA songs were sung which I’ve also mentioned there were song clearly heard but this this is the day one isn’t one of them. But don’t let that stop you jumping in 2 footed
  16. Rattled mate much like your team you just don’t have the talent to do that.
  17. No that’s exactly what you are doing and no amount of back pedalling, mental gymnastics or whataboutery changes it. You were being a p***k and rightly being called out for being a p***k
  18. If you don’t attend away fixtures then why are you having a go at a Celtic fan for not being at an away fixture? And mate I know the songbook, I’ve already told you IRA songs were sung clearly today but that song you mention has no lyrics relating to the IRA at all, I don’t need to be there to know that as I’ve heard it sung 100’s of times. And have you ever tried to get a 4G signal inside Celtic Park? Of course not you don’t go to away games but i can tell you you are more likely to step on unicorn shite
  19. Ok mate whatever you say but posting at all whilst your team is actually playing at home is questionable however I’ll assume you attended all away fixtures last season including those at Celtic Park?
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