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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. Considering the time between the news breaking about the Hamas attacks and the game starting I wouldn’t have thought anyone expected them to pull together such a banner in such a short period of time, maybe the police were equally naive
  2. I’d love to talk about the upcoming game however everyone else wants to just talk about how all Celtic fans are (whatever expletive you want to insert here) or remind us of how dull our existence must be for the trillionth time.
  3. Your post was an attempt to bait Benny. I’m also not here to please you so leveraging a post that was quite personal and a bit triggering for me is a bit low ball What’s the chances of actually talking about the upcoming game instead of getting another thread locked?
  4. You shouldn’t need to apologise for someone asking a stupid question, chivalrous but unnecessary
  5. Aberdeen is constructed predominantly from Granite is it? I suppose it’s a little more interesting than your usual posts. Baby steps and all that
  6. If banners and flags needed police and club approval I’m pretty sure the SS Death Head flying at Ibrox the other week wouldn’t have seen the light of day or at least I hope it wouldn’t
  7. Apparently there are other things at play however the banner and the petition from the GB for all fans to wave Palestinian flags at the upcoming Champions League game has been the straw that broke the camels back.
  8. Hearing the GB have had tickets refused and season tickets suspended for the next 3 games.
  9. What I said was he wasn’t fully at fault due to the lack of support and poor infrastructure around him and that the expensive dross brought in will inevitably see Rangers punt him and it seems I was spot on because Gerrard aside, it’s the MO. I still think he’s not fully at fault so my opinions haven’t changed. Rangers fans (not singling you out here but I am including you) had high expectations of Beale based on this myth he was the brains behind Gerrard and he was a wizard on the recruitment front. The fans hyped him up when the reality was he was an utter novice and as such the club should have treated him like one, he is going to make mistakes but again everyone should have known that but the expectations were so that Rangers fans expected him to challenge and perform some sort of miracle because the guy in the green corner was seemingly doing just that, that was never really realistic for Beale though again due to the nature of how Rangers are run and I don’t see it being much different for this guy.
  10. You seem to be taking this as you being singled out, it’s not. It’s a generalisation based on your fans general expectations of what they expect Rangers to be able to achieve. I also don’t know why you seem desperate for people to agree with you or why you need your opinion validated by a Celtic fan.
  11. That’s because I already addressed by telling you that it genuinely wouldn’t have mattered who you brought in, the outcome would have been the same. No manager can do a good job in that environment just now. Rangers managers now follow a pattern. They come in before the winter window which is effectively caretaking until the summer which is the first opportunity to really put their own stamp on the squad. It then isn’t surprising to see some inconsistent performances and results however the manager is emptied 2-3 months later as fans aren’t willing to accept that as they expect to be able to rebuild a squad in the summer and keep pace with Celtic so yeah I think it’s harsh they aren’t given at least a 2nd winter window, funny as f**k but harsh.
  12. We mock and put the boot in at every opportunity as that’s part of the rivalry and will continue to do so with this guy when the opportunity appears and he’s punted next season. FFS you dobbers mocked Ange at every possibly opportunity and now he’s sitting top of the EPL with back to back managers of the month. It’s just the way of things. You don’t have to agree with me, I’m happy enough just watching the shit show and happily clapping
  13. I thinks it’s difficult for any manager coming in to do a good job knowing full well he only has 2 transfer windows and maybe not even a full season in charge to show tangible improvement with an operating model that is flawed and fans who expect more than what the club seem to be capable of delivering. The managers are being made scapegoats, it’s Chelseaesque now
  14. The point is that you will continue to say the same thing every year as you go from manager to manager as you hit a glass ceiling you can’t break through due to the poor running of the football club.
  15. My point is probably about the standard you refer to. You say you were no longer improving by that I assume you mean getting closer to Celtic? Yet you make continual reference to the financial gap between our 2 clubs and use this as the reason why you aren’t more successful, which makes it plainly obvious that until you close the financial gap then you aren’t going to improve enough to close the gap to Celtic in terms of how successful we have been domestically, which means every manager coming in is on a course to fail from day 1 as your operating model is quite simply fubar. 2 transfers windows with that context is never going to be enough not whilst you continually let players go for free and pay top dollar for shite. Don’t get me wrong we pay some top dollar for some dross too but every year we are selling players for fees in excess of 15-25 million as we sell at the right time irrespective of the how popular the player is, for example Jota and Dembele. Rangers don’t bar the odd 1 or 2.
  16. Pretty much word for word what you said last year about Beale
  17. I think TikTok Todd should just focus on his day job instead of allowing Sutton to live rent free in his head.
  18. Yep, we have been blatantly cheated here.
  19. Confirmed by UEFA it’s a foul, corrupt as f**k.
  20. Get VAR in the bin, game is utterly fucked if that’s considered a foul
  21. Probably about your best chance of a result You might want to treble that to be safe and even then it might be a bit squeaky bum
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