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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. As President of the society of p&b moonhowlers that’s exactly the opinion I would expect you to have Kennie however when you have penalty incidents such as the one being given against Matt O’Riley vs County last season it doesn’t back your argument up very well especially when Celtic were denied one at Tynecastle for an identical incident. But since it’s fact feel free to post every example of where we have benefitted from a decision with an identical example of where our opponents have been denied because if it’s fact then surely you have the evidence? @Sensible Soccer Chuck a on this one too when you get a chance, there’s a good lad
  2. Well it is a suggestion because it‘s an entirely subjective and biased view. And again if it was something that was normal and you were accepting of it you wouldn’t even reference it but you have with a not so thinly veiled suggestion of referee bias. But here you are, neither a Celtic or County fan making a staunch argument as to why you are right and everyone else is wrong posting counterfactual situations because you clearly aren’t upset. You should have just went away and had your nice night
  3. The fact you suggest it isn’t a level playing field and the decision if roles reversed would have been different is a complaint.
  4. Do you normally complain continually about things you accept as normal?
  5. And if your auntie had baws she would be your uncle.
  6. Day 1 and you are already a slevvering, heads gone mess over a decision that was clearly a dive and a few others on this thread who would be more than happy to see Celtic fail have told you that too
  7. Even if a penalty was awarded it wouldn’t have been a red as there was an attempt to play the ball. But it was neither, it was a dive and a laughable one at it.
  8. We can’t afford to play 2 up top, an injury to either or god forbid both and we are a bit fucked We also have an abundance of wingers who would be almost completely redundant
  9. Closing in on your 60’s and posting like a pre-teen
  10. Football isn’t played on paper, on paper you could argue he has similarish stats to Jota but one went for 25 mil and one for almost a tenth of that. There is a good reason for that, you are trying to polish a shite
  11. Well we have become pretty good at defeating our Orc neighbours from Mordor….sorry Ibrox
  12. Mate I didn’t claim to be able to provide you global viewership numbers in the first place you seem to have made an incorrect assumption that I could. What I can do is provide you them across a subscriber base in excess of 100 million people across Europe and the US via CBS and Paramount + who provide coverage of the SPFL in the States. You can let me know if this is a big enough viewership platform for you to form an opinion on. Secondly Greenlantern didn’t allude to it being the most watched fixture or mention viewing figures at all just that it was one of the biggest in the world, how he quantifies that I don’t know but you could ask him? Raider however did use viewing figures as a specific measure of interest and gave a specific example where it is watched less than Lacrosse or Tig so since he offered that specific measure and claims it fact it isn’t unfair to ask him to validate that. You strangely seem to take umbrage to this. Just let him answer the question
  13. On a Sunday whilst on annual leave, absolutely not which is why I wouldn’t be daft enough to post as fact that the viewership of a Glasgow Derby is higher than that of Lacrosse or tig knowing full well I’d be called out on it and asked to prove it. Raider does seem to know that so he is being asked to prove it. You running interference for your fellow fan is admirable however please allow him to answer my simple and straightforward question and I will happily answer yours when i‘m back at work with access to the figures you ask for, although it wouldn’t be global viewership I could provide just viewership across our own platforms. Does that sound fair?
  14. I’ve seen many people leverage all sorts of things to discredit the notion of it being a new club however this is one of the most creative…and funny Well played however are you now also suggesting your club aren’t that big of a deal anymore? Is “The Famous” another monicker that now belongs 6 feet under?
  15. I did like that one actually, have a very rare greenie. I know you quite like the colour
  16. His assertion that it’s among one of the biggest derbies in the world? A quick google search does that mate as just about every article that comes back with a hit mentions the Glasgow derby, Christ someone even used ChatGPT to compile such a list and it gets a hit. Raidernation mentions specific tv viewership though which Greenlatern doesn’t, and being that i work for a very large TV company owned by a huge American network, I’m looking at viewership figures for all sorts of content including sports as part of my daily working life so when someone used such a specific measurement then I’m of course curious. Is that fair enough? As the Alphaville song title suggests, we are big in Japan
  17. I don’t doubt for a second you have the statistics to back that up. I’d love to see what you referenced and i assume it’s really easy for you to share?
  18. Here is me taking about things being pointless and here you are. It’s like magic
  19. Ok mate, well I’m about to take the long drive home from Lossiemouth and even I don’t see a point to be gained from continuing this one so you win, my weekend gift to you
  20. Mate you should take your own advice from the Cha Du-Ri conversation and chill the f**k out. It was clearly a rhetorical, sarcastic post which you have taken a little too seriously
  21. No i didn’t imply that at all actually. What i was alluding to was Police Scotland being a major part of the decision making on the grounds of safety. If Rangers do accept the tickets as they have a right to do it just signifies fan safety isn’t really as important to them as previously claimed which is odd considering how critical they were of the police a year ago
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