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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. Well it was you who quoted and replied to me mate, I’m just calling out you for posting shite
  2. You would hope it’s that plus any sales. With KT and Frimpong also rumoured to be moving this pre-season then we get a 30% cut of that too. Another right back as cover for Johnston and a keeper are a must also. I’m quite excited to see who he thinks he can improve, a good few players improved under him last time and someone like Abada if we can convince him to stay I think will flourish Yeah West Ham spent well over 100 mil just to survive in the EPL and win the Europa conference I think you have to park the EPL teams to one side though. I guess what we need to see is progress. We can’t go out of Europe in the group stages this season we have to at least do enough to parachute into the Europa and get through a knockout round or 2. That would signal some progress for next season imo
  3. It’s done, pushing the boat out salary wise to get him so he needs to deliver and not just domestically. Apparently guaranteed a kitty of 35 mil to spend in this window to get us Champions League ready https://twitter.com/fabrizioromano/status/1670495396307652608?s=61&t=OhQB8D0W96a1QrkypNF93Q
  4. Like i said before it’s The Brendan Rodgers now, none of that shit happened
  5. Are you sure? I mean are you sure you are sure? It only offended you to the point you were calling people scum and must have now referred to it about a dozen times across multiple threads. But yeah you aren’t rattled…..my bad
  6. Is it? You seem familiar with it and much more so than i, so if you can drop a link I’ll have a read over and see if i concur
  7. Think this is the first time we have offered more than a 12 month rolling contract to anyone other than O’Neil. Well played Nicholson if that’s the case.
  8. I’ll do my best. Do you have a notebook I can borrow?
  9. It’s We Never Stop, mate. When trying to be a smart arse accuracy and attention to detail are important
  10. Shit post but I suppose it’s a step up from your previous racists mewlings
  11. A more appropriate gesture would be you not inappropriately calling me scum, a bigot or an IRA sympathiser just because I support Celtic, especially with no supporting evidence of me being any of those things. You are an Aberdeen fan, that doesn’t mean you ….. well you know what
  12. I’m not a bigot nor do I support the IRA. Being a Celtic fan and those other things aren’t mutually exclusive. Not sure you know the correct use of inverted commas mate. There is no intended irony, scepticism or inaccuracy in that description of you Fucking eejit.
  13. So you think 30 or so scumbags in pub singing and wishing someone dead is indicative of the majority of our support? What a fucking eejit you are You seem more familiar with the 5quid prossie market than I am so I’ll bow to your superior knowledge
  14. Clearly they are Celtic fans I don’t think anyone here is challenging that but highlighting a very small number of fans singing disgusting songs or being abusive doesn’t represent the feeling of the entire support and you know that, you are being just a little fastidious
  15. What was all over social media was a bunch of pissed up fannys in a pub singing the song, I’ve never ever heard it sung at a match, on a bus or anywhere else other than in that video. The song is abhorrent however leveraging it as something that is indicative of how most Celtic fans feel is a stretch, a considerable one.
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