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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Brian Graham would be goal machine compared with Doolan's recent competition. I reckon he'd score more goals in one season than Azeez, Pogba, Eccleston and Banton combined did in their entire Thistle careers. Could score anything up to 6.
  2. Think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself. There hasn't been a signing as yet.
  3. Gutted? Are you Sure? It's only Lee Erwin. Pull yourself together man!
  4. Did someone say Hendry was shite? I certainly didn't.
  5. Really? This Jags fan would have been pretty underwhelmed. He seemed a reasonable prospect in the few games he played but did little down south. I wouldn't expect him to walk into the starting line-up at Dens or Firhill.
  6. Connor Sammon is a big, useless lump of widny. Not so much a white Ade Azeez as a baldy Paul Keegan.
  7. Centrifugal! It's a spinny-roony thing. Are you the the only Thistle fan who didny go to yooni?
  8. So on the face of it, it would seem we've lost Lindsey, gained Keown and have a sum of x hundreds of thousands with which to add to the squad. No bad I reckon.
  9. We all seem to have had different perceptions of his value and none of us actually know how much we got for him or what the add-ons/ sell-ons are so I don't know why there is this assumption that it was bad deal for Thistle.
  10. Stop behaving like a complete twat and allow the boy to find his way within the forum. It doesn't exist for you and your clique alone. The more the merrier.
  11. Archie has never played in England, for either of the old firm or for his country so he'll be likely be off the radar when it comes to any worthwhile vacancies down south. I think when he eventually goes it will be to another Scottish club. When Dundee sack McCann in October they might come round waving the cheque book.
  12. My brother-in -law's sister's mate says her uncle's pal reckons you're a right grumpy auld b*****d.
  13. He most certainly has abilty. He has reasonable pace, can control a ball and put over a decent cross. Unfortunately he lacks any kind of aggression, determination or strength which made him a passenger in most of the games he was involved in. Pity.
  14. I'm surprised to see Gary Fraser getting a new contract. Even without bringing up his injuries I've never really understood what it is he brings to the team. He's very slow, can't tackle, no good in the air and doesn't score. Then again I thought Barton was a dud the first couple of times I saw him so what the hell do I know?
  15. He certainly looks like a decent prospect. It'll be interesting to see how he gets on against a team with fullbacks.
  16. Yes. Meaningless games played with half the team missing. Pull yourself together man.
  17. Get a grip. The last two games mean nothing, our season ended at Tynecastle. As a club we're probably in the best place we've been in since the 70's.
  18. Plankton live in the sea not holes. You Swindon boys are a bit sensitive aren't you?
  19. If it wasn't for his injury in February I'm pretty sure I would have voted for Sean Welsh. I think the way he turned it round from poor early season performances, scapegoating and dog's abuse from the stands to become arguably our best midfielder was a real testament to his determination. As he's not on the list it's difficult to know who to choose as the team has performed so strongly as a whole. Ah what the hell.....Doolan it is.
  20. No. He's a pretty dreadful defender who is decent in attack. Not even guaranteed a start with St. Mirren.
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