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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Archibald's tenure as manager has hardly been a disaster, in fact he's given us some moments to treasure in his time at the helm but it seems now he is unable to reverse the downward momentum we've been experiencing for the last year. Now could well be the right time for a change as the squad he has put together, and we all know it's deficiencies, is far from the worst in this division. A new man in charge, a new outlook, a fresh enthusiasm could keep us in contention until the squad can be improved in January. It may also lift some of the gloom around Firhill.
  2. If St Mirren wish to extract maximum seethe from their next appointment then forget Mckinnon. Morton fans are saying David Hopkin is done deal at Cappielow. Will sign in the next day or so because he's a Morton man through and through. In fact ignore me. That would be far, far too cruel.
  3. I'd certainly rather have Hopkin managing my team than Mckinnon but it seems to be accepted that Hopkin's managerial ambitions lie elsewhere (he didn't give up managing Livvy in the Premiership in the hope that a gig like Morton would come along). So if you land him you better get used to the idea that he may disappear as quickly as Ray did.
  4. I think you're being a bit melodramatic. I bought a season ticket too. I wasn't conned, I took a punt like I do every year hoping that it will be worthwhile. Being disappointed isn't the same as being conned.
  5. Here's a few words for those Thistle posters out there who are on the verge of hanging themselves after reading the last few pages of soul-destroying negativity: Bannigan may well get fit again and show himself as one of the best midfielders in the division. It's a possibility. Quitongo might stay fit long enough to for us to see one of the best attacking talents in the division. It's a possibility. Scobbie may turn out to be exactly what we need to steady the defence. It's a possibility. Coolibaly may well escape from the Cairo prison cell in which he is currently having the soles of his feet beaten by the guards in time to bang in twenty goals by Christmas. It's a possibility. I'm not suggesting any of the above is likely but surely it's worth considering before posting something else designed to suck all the joy out of the lives of your fellow Thistle fans?
  6. It's not often you see the words "fit" and "Quitongo" in the same sentence.
  7. I'd be utterly astonished if Ayr accepted anything like that.
  8. Well, you got the bit about the inexperienced cb spot on. 19 years old with 2 senior football appearences according to Wikipedia.
  9. Not a worry. Thistle's legal team will wipe the floor with them.
  10. Jeezo! Rewind a year or so and you would be worrying about keeping it down to single figures against that shower. Live the dream Ayr boys...live the dream.
  11. I'm glad McGinty had a decent game. It's worth noting that after a pretty dreadful start he didn't put a foot wrong against Falkirk last week either. Maybe he's not the big dumplin' I had him marked down as.
  12. If that's all true (big if) then we'll receive £450,000 top of the reported £350,000 transfer fee making £800,000 in total. Not too bad surely?
  13. It was forty-odd years ago so it's entirely possible that I'm talking a load of geriatric pish...don"t think so though.
  14. Maybe older Queens fans can confirm but I recall watching Alan Ball play at Firhill when I was a kid and was fascinated by the warming up routine he would employ when play was at the other end. He would run around the 18 yard box (or was it the 6 yard box) touching each corner in order and then repeat and repeat again. This seemed to have a hypnotic effect on me and had to be told by Father to stop watching their keeper and start watching the game. I'm sure it was Alan Ball...I think.
  15. Aye, ok sarcy. It was one post, one reply. Hardly a discussion.
  16. As was Doolan, Erskine, Elliot etc. He may had a comparatively poor 17/18 season with us (who didn't?) but he never showed any lack desire and most certainly did not contribute the square root of f**k all.
  17. Said the man who called me a rape apologist. My post was in response to question which was why do Livvy fans have a problem with DGW but not Lithgow. I gave a possible reason i.e. many people, rightly or wrongly, having looked at all of the evidence or some of the evidence on none of the evidence consider DGW to be an unrepentant and unpunished rapist. They may also feel that the crime Lithgow was convicted of, although no doubt terrifying for his victim is not in the same bracket as the crime DGW was accused of. I don't know if any of that is true hence the use of the word "perhaps" at the beginning of the sentence. I called you a moron because I thought your response was moronic. To call someone a "rape apologist" is completely out of order.
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