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Everything posted by Walter

  1. As long as we're not paying him a fortune I'll be more than happy with signing Boyd. As a club our size operating in Glasgow can we really afford to be sniffy about the allegiances of our signing targets?
  2. Couldn't that statement also have been made concening ex Sellick legend Scott MacDonald?
  3. Here's the view enjoyed by the "loyal" behind the goal of Killie's first against their orange-clad heroes. Two reasons for them to be absolutely fucking raging. [emoji1]
  4. Sounds like a good appointment but didn't he get Livvy relegated to league 1 in his first season in charge?
  5. I may well be wrong. We may have got rid prematurely. We'll know for sure next season.
  6. ...or the season before. Yes, he may well have been a useful squad player but then Christie Elliott would have been a useful squad player too and his departure has resulted in little depth of feeling. As for a coaching role, you may have greater knowledge on the subject than I do but personally I have no idea if Doolan would make good coach or not. I still believe the sadness at his departure is more down to the familial feelings we hold for him than anything else.
  7. If Jags fans are "gutted" then I expect it's for sentimental reasons only. I don't think many of us expected Doolan to be a regular starter had he stayed.
  8. I don't think Caldwell was getting the blame for anything . The consensus seems to be that Doolan would have been no more than a bit part player had he stayed so...thank you Kris, goodbye and farewell.
  9. Just saw it on the official site. I wonder where he's off to. Although I'm sad to see him go it's probably for the best.
  10. Any goodwill generated by giving Doolan a new contract for no more than sentimental reasons would quickly evaporate anyway. I hope last season was just a blip but I suspect otherwise.
  11. Sorry to break it to you but you might not win the league if they go up either.
  12. It seemed to be based on no more than Miller's friendship with Caldwell but I would be more than happy to see him at Firhill next season.
  13. I'm hearing this result isn't good for Falkirk. Can anyone confirm?
  14. You call it time wasting. We call it the highlight of last season.
  15. Now you know how Poland felt when they were attacked by Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia on the same day.
  16. Ahem...I'm from Glasgow and I'm fucking ecstatic I'll have you know.
  17. I blame Alloa for all of this. There will be good people, like me, shitting themselves at football matches across Scotland today because they haven't lived down to our expectations. b*****ds!
  18. Really? We got rid of some poor players and replaced them with players who are generally better. No big money purchases involved. I don't know where you get this panic buying idea from.
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