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Everything posted by Walter

  1. I am too. We would have been relegated long before the final day of the season.
  2. I can't see the still-life that is Alex Jones being a great miss. Young Mansell is hardly the finished article but at least appears to have some enthusiasm for the game.
  3. It's a post about the Partick Thistle mascot on the Partick Thistle thread. An English political artist has created a collage of what he considers to be positive British role models and has included the Partick Thistle mascot. Stop being so fucking touchy.
  4. I'm very happy with Zanatta signing. He looked a decent player at Alloa last season.
  5. Partick Thistle fans are loved and respected by everyone within Scottish football as you are no doubt well aware so chuck it! That's everyone within Scottish football apart from Clyde fans of course but they're all fucking mentalists.
  6. A potential banana-skin for the Jags. We should therefore show the toothless, Labour-voting, manky mock-mick, euro laughing stock, east end shitehole dwelling, giro-cashing, undereducated, hummus-dodging, nasal-whining, self-pitying, bawbags the respect they deserve.
  7. We were so much better today when Robson, Palmer and Mansell came on. They gave the team the enthusiasm that was sadly lacking in the first half. Jones, Gordon (although he was considerably more involved today) and Da Vita are a worry. There's three more to come, in the shape of Slater, Austin (is he injured?) and Harkins so it will be interesting to see where they fit in. I'm starting to like that huffy, soor-faced, baldly auld b*****d Miller. Does that make me a bad person.?
  8. I was going to ask why he's an arsehole but on second thoughts I don't think I really want to know.
  9. Jeezo. Is it pished o'clock already? I'm off to bed.
  10. Caldwell made his feelings on both players abundantly clear at the end of last season when he got shot of them.
  11. I presume by "neutrals" you mean people who don't support either of the old firm. As the vast majority of those under that heading utterly fucking detest both of them why do you think they would care which one of them won the league?
  12. IMO Jan 2018 is recent. Your idea of recent is of no importance to me. I think we can safely assume you're a paranoid weirdo.
  13. It took about 10 seconds to post. I mentioned Love because it was only remarkable thing about a dull game. I wasn't offended and have no interest in reigniting some old debate. Are all Clyde fans this touchy?
  14. I can't imagine why you'd think I would lie about something so utterly mundane. The last one I was at was the Annan game where Ally Love made racist c**t of himself.
  15. I've been to Broadwood a couple of times recently as a neutral and they still sing "we are the Thistle haters". I can't imagine why they care about us anymore but they clearly do.
  16. Yes, I seem to remember Clyde giving a game against a premiership "colts" side all the respect it deserved. Other clubs should do likewise in the challenge cup IMO.
  17. It was quite clear to me that he found Mansell's Father's actions heroic and it had nothing to do with who his boy is. As has already been pointed out it was pretty traumatic for those close by who could only sit impotently while one stranger was desperately trying to keep another's heart pumping until the paramedics turned up with the defibrillator. I'm sure you meant no offence but having a go at sting777 over the wording of his post seems somewhat inappropriate in the circumstances.
  18. I remember that game. It was at Shawfield and finished 1-0 to Clyde. It was Harvey's one and only game for any Scottish club I believe.
  19. From some distance away I couldn't really see what happened to Hughes. It looked like Cardle landed on top of him after the tackle and at the time I was surprised that he stayed down. What actually happened?
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