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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Nonsense. The most important thing is the company. Lee should know.
  2. Does anyone have any idea when might see Bannigan playing again?
  3. Ross Forbes is an extremely talented football player. If it wasn't for the fact that can't run much faster than he walks he would be coining it in at a much higher level.
  4. If he can play at anywhere near the standard he reached before he chucked his career up his nose then he'll be a great signing for them.
  5. Gary Fraser is like the Super-Striker player who's leg falls off when you press his head. Ask yer Da.
  6. Our next league game isn't until the 28th so I'm sure the manager feels no great pressure to finalise any deals. Be patient.
  7. He'll still have a couple of years left on his contract come the summer so I'm sure he'll be going nowhere unless there's good wedge of cash coming our way.
  8. He's a big, fat, ugly, scary b*****d with a reputation for booting folk up in air. I can't imagine how he'll fit in at Airdrie.
  9. He wasn't that good, in fact pretty average at times. The Livi fans seem to think he's a cert to sign for them.
  10. I disagree. Sowah has been invisable this season, I'm surprised Archie didn't get rid sooner.
  11. I see once again the great man's name is missing from the new year's honours list. Exactly what does he have to do?
  12. I bet that if you could swap your top quality offshore welding equipment for a silly face on the front of your jumper you'd jump at the chance.
  13. I love the daft sponsor's logo. You're just jealous because you don't have a daft sponsor.
  14. That's pretty smart. A definate improvement on last year's effort.
  15. I forgive you. Now stop being a depressing b*****d and cheer right fucking up. Oh, and chuck the "champ" patter it's soooooooo totally vikington.
  16. Just about to start our 4th consecutive season in top flight, debt free and an impressive youth set up now in place. Aye, things are looking bleak right enough.
  17. I wasn't particularly bothered when Higginbotham left us as he'd had a poor season generally and when the team were struggling that year he'd mope around the pitch like a huffy teenager. The prospect of him returning after a season of struggling to get a start in a shite Kilmarnock team hardly sets the pulse racing. Sometimes being good at football just isn't enough.
  18. Can we perhaps just agree that Lawless is bit of a dick (not necessarily a sackable offence) and move on?
  19. I'm certain that the wee diddy will always try his best in every game but it does leave a bad taste in the mouth. It's a bit like an invited guest turning up at your party and telling you he'd much prefer to be at the party accross the road but he wasn't invited. You'd hand him his jacket and tell him to f**k off. It's irrational of me I know but but I really couldn't give a toss whether he stays or goes now.
  20. I don't think any of us really expect Thistle players to be Thistle fans, certainly not in the same way we are. However I do expect Thistle players to have enough professionalism not to flap their big, stupid, drunken mouths in public about their love for another team. It's extremely disrespectful to the club and it's supporters. I remember some time ago Chic Charnley receiving pelters from Jags fans in the terracing during his warm-up the Saturday after a cringeworthy article in the Evening Times where he declared his undying love for Sellick. He looked suitably embarrassed and contrite.
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