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Honest_Man#1 last won the day on November 25 2021

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About Honest_Man#1

  • Birthday 05/07/1994

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    Ayr United

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  1. For those in Munich without a ticket, any particular area Scotland fans are congregating? Assume fanzone will fill very quickly.
  2. I holed out earlier this year with a hybrid from about 190 out on a par 4. Unfortunately I’d smashed my first drive OB and was 3 off the tee. Still enjoyed the hole out but was fairly sickening that it was for a par.
  3. Out in an ambulance (13 over) and back in a limousine (2 over) this morning. The inconsistency of being a casual golfer is excruciating.
  4. Unfortunately there’s none for Germany or Switzerland.
  5. Farcically bad as usual. Finally got a progress bar.
  6. Had my own bizarre experience on the course today. Standing on the first tee, 4 ball ahead about 200 yards, all standing in the middle of the fairway. Couple of old guys behind were already standing waiting for their tee time (still 15 mins away) but clearly desperate to go, says “that’ll be you now to hit” to me. I laughed a bit, thinking he was joking, but turned out he was serious and was telling me to go. Said that I’d be firing one over their heads so I absolutely wouldn’t be going, started to debate it with me and saying you’d “have to be a big hitter to get near them”. 200 yards away! Just had to awkwardly tell him again I wouldn’t be going until they were clear, and then hit my drive to just passed where they were standing. Old guy “aye you’ll want to be drawing the ball in from there”. No mention of the fact he’d wanted me to kill these guys, and giving me swing tips when he’s about to hit a half swing drive 140. Arsehole behaviour.
  7. Scratch that. Not in water like they’d said, but right up against a tree.
  8. Followed up by a horrible pull into a creek off the 2nd tee.
  9. Old Course is flooded, loads of standing water. When top links courses can’t even drain, what chances do the rest have.
  10. That it appears to be completely random makes it even more fucking terrifying.
  11. My course went off mats, now just announced we’ve reinstated them. I completely understand why, it’s probably a bog, but just extends time before I venture back out. Was in Portugal for 3 days last weekend. Pissing it down most of the time. Can’t even escape the weather when going abroad to golf ffs!
  12. Add me to the bidding war for them.
  13. I’ve had to ditch using mobile as iPhone was blocking the captcha, so now in on the laptop with the bar but presumably means I’m miles behind everyone in the queue despite being ready from 9:15. Kick in the balls, f**k you apple!
  14. Yeah I’ve been like this for last 20 mins.
  15. Yep. If we’d won I’d definitely have been supporting England here, but this would just grind salt into the wounds.
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