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Everything posted by tintax

  1. Media reporting that it will be a choice between this and no deal, in parliament on Saturday. Which is in fact no choice atall.
  2. The Jeremy Vine show this afternoon will be gold.
  3. f**k all point resting our hopes on a place at the Euro's through the nations league. No chance we are beating any of the sides we could be facing.
  4. Shite performance overall. Midfield completely failed to get any sort of foothold on the game, leaving McBurnie isolated all night. End of yet another qualifying group
  5. He'll be back outside No.10 calling an election when the so called rebels defeat the government.
  6. Social media awash with we was robbed chat. Bottom line is we should never be throwing away a 3 goal lead in the first place. Only themselves to blame.
  7. So the plan is to trust the title winning squad and not add any real quality or depth to key positions. I can forsee a January bailout
  8. I have no sympathy at all for the woman. This article essentially sums up why - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/may/24/theresa-may-worst-prime-minister-brexit-windrush?CMP=fb_gu&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1558695620
  9. Robert Peston will have it spot on. She'll be gone by June 10th.
  10. As above, I don't get the love in from sections of our support towards Donaldson. Everytime I've seen ICT this season he hasn't looked atall decent. Particularly in both legs of the play off. I hope the management team are targeting a higher calibre of player which will no doubt be needed to survive.
  11. It's all going rather to well for Cersei and Euron.. In true GOT fashion I expect it all to come crashing down on them both next week.
  12. Marc Wilmots anyone? He has applied for the job
  13. Time to go foreign. I'm all in favour of Bilic or Klinsman getting the job. We all know though, that the SFA will end up appointing Moyes
  14. I can't see them taking the chance. Labour did better than many predicted last time around. With the mess the Tories are making off brexit, I would predict the electorate to give them a bashing.
  15. Listening to May's response after the vote, it sounded to me like she is going to continue to press ahead with her now 3 times defeated deal in the hope that it will eventually pass. She has no one else to blame but herself for the current mess. Her blinkered, my way or nothing approach, refusing the notion of criss party consensus is why we are in this mess
  16. Scotland will never forgive Labour if they vote this through for May. It will lead to a bad brexit deal for Scotland and someone like Boris becoming PM
  17. Imagine after over 2 years of negotiating, your deal is so bad that you have to offer up your resignation to get your deal through.
  18. So that slimy creepy looking fucker is allowed to change his mind and vote again (for the 3rd time on May's deal) but the British people are not?
  19. No shift in DUP position, that's May's deal not coming back this week or ever for that matter.
  20. Blaming the very MP's who she needs to come on-board next week to pass her withdrawal agreement. Going to massively backfire on her.
  21. Parliament needs to rally around an alternative to Mays deal and no brexit. Labour are great at banging on about a deal which would see access to the customs union , protection of rights, etc. But what are they actually doing to round up cross party consensus to this. The way it's looking at the moment IMO. May's deal will be voted through next week.
  22. Trying not to get my hopes up of him ruling out a MV3. Just imagine the scenes
  23. Im sticking to May's deal being defeated again and again. It isn't just the backstop issue that is causing so many MP's to vote against it. There is a lot in it that MP's on all sides will not vote for.
  24. When her withdrawal agreement fails again. Why should the EU grant her am extension?
  25. So will May now seek an extension to Article 50 or put her withdrawal deal to parliament for a 3rd time before March 29th? I haven't a clue what is going on
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