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Everything posted by tintax

  1. He's a busy little b*****d. Will run and chase down balls all game. Not a great deal of quality to his finishing but I always appreciated his work rate.
  2. Left us right in the shite on the eve of the biggest game of our season. Good riddance to the fraud. A terrible football manager, whose career is now over. We are fucked now for sure.
  3. Terrible. I see no game plan whatsoever when I'm watching County. The players just dont look like they know what they are doing. Passing aimlessly to each other at the back before lumping it to the sides or upfront. Whats the point in putting 5 in the middle of the park if we are just going to bypass the midfield altogether? He wasnt the only one but Kenny was dreadful on Sunday, mistake after mistake. A new LB is top priority.
  4. A lot of work needs to be done in the January window. New strikers, midfielders/wingers and CB's. We also need to move on shite like Dow and Chow.
  5. Was there not a helicopter right at the very beginning, when the original group were based in Atlanta? Seem to remember a helicopter in one of the scenes.
  6. Ezekiel is a complete pain in the arse. I've had enough of his long winded speeches and the utter shite that comes out of his mouth. The sooner Lucille sees to him the better.
  7. Happy with that. Far better with Coyle than the other names being banded about. He's got his work cut out big time with the squad hes been left though. McGregor will be out with the cheque book again in January no doubt.
  8. Jim & Billy given the boot -http://www.rosscountyfootballclub.co.uk/news/archive/breaking-news-rcfc-part-company-with-jim-mcintyre-and-billy-dodds/ Credit to Roy for acting to end this farce now.
  9. Under two weeks now before I run my first ever 10k race as part of the Baxters festival of running in Inverness. Any tips or advice would be much appreciated. Anyone on here run the same event as me? Just wondering if there is a warm up before the race starts?
  10. Nothing is going to happen, despite all of the talk of destruction from both sides. The North knows that the minute they fire a missile towards the US or any of their allies, then that's them finished. China has already said that they wont support them if they strike first. Similarly the Americans are never going to strike first because it would endanger the lives of everyone is Seoul and would bring the Chinese military into play.
  11. Fair enjoyed that, the meeting in the dragon pit was pretty tense. I was expecting it to kick off at any second. Wasn't at all surprised by Cersei going back on her word. Now that Bran can see into the future, surely we will see him warn John and Dany of the betrayal. Is Jamie heading North alone, or as commander of the Lannister forces will he be bringing the army along with him? Also Euron may struggle to bring back elephants from Essos...
  12. Who knows. I don't even think the management team know, constantly changing the personnel and the tactics. It's obvious he has no idea what his strongest starting 11 is or how best to set us up.
  13. The Partick game is already a must win game this early on into the season. I'm getting more and more tired of Jim and Billy's supposed brand of football. I can't remember the last time I left a County game and thought wow what an entertaining performance that was. The football on show is turgid and quite frankly shite. The faults in the squad are so obvious, its astonishing how our management team seem unable to address these issues.
  14. Decent albeit predictable episode. The ice dragon fairly changes the game. The wall will be coming down next week. Is Dany expecting the Dothraki to fight in the north/beyond the wall? That'll be interesting..
  15. Cheers! Missed that. A battle between the them and Danys unsullied to come.
  16. Amazing last 20 minutes to that episode. Up there with BOTB for me. The Lannisters still look to be in a pretty solid position despite the attack. The gold and the bulk of the army made it back to Kings Landing. Be interesting to see what Cersei does with the money that is coming her way from the iron bank.
  17. Now some wingers to give the strikers some service please!
  18. Enjoyed the ending to last nights episode. It's looking pretty good for Cersei at the moment, with the Iron Born fleet destroyed and the sandsnakes in captivity that fucks up Danys plan of blockading kings landing. I'm going to need to watch it again but at dragons tone what part were the Tyrell's given?
  19. If nothing else tonight's performance has shown that we are nowhere near finished in the transfer market. We still need an out and out winger, a CM and another striker IMO.
  20. Looking forward to it all kicking off again tomorrow. Wonder how Jim will set us up.
  21. That should be it as far as our pursuit of Draper goes. No way we should be spending close to 100k on him. The squad is crying out for some creativity, I would far rather money was spent on some wingers/attacking midfielders. How much did we spend on Mikklesen btw? Can't find the figure.
  22. Happy enough with the Mikkelsen signing. He will offer something entirely different to Curran and Schalk. As others have highlighted, the priority now is finding some creative midfielders/wingers.
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