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Everything posted by tintax

  1. Tyrone Smith ‏@TyroneSTV 1m1 minute ago Ross County boss Jim McIntyre says they won't be offering trialist keeper Jonathan Henly a deal 1 retweet0 favorites Reply Retweeted1 Favorite More Back to the drawing board then. McIntyre confirming we are hoping to sign another 3 players. Keeper, midfielder and a striker
  2. After a more than nine-year, three-billion-mile journey to Pluto, NASA's New Horizon's probe is nearing the previously unseen world. July 14th will be the closest approach. Best picture to be taken so far by Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) aboard the probe. How awesome is this? And to think they are only going to get better in the coming weeks.
  3. Bradford fans seem gutted to lose him. https://claretandbanter.uk/threads/davies-to-ross-county.45372/ Seems like a great signing
  4. Mixed feelings about Foster signing. He was easily the worst Rangers player last season, the worst in a team consisting of Moshni and McCulloch . Saying that however this was a team coached by McCoist and McDowell so hopefully for our sake with some proper coaching/management we may have a decent player. Decent enough cover if nothing else for Fraser at RB.
  5. Stewart Murdoch expected to sign today https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/sport/football/ross-county/612409/ross-county-close-signing-stewart-murdoch/
  6. When was the last time we paid for a player? What will McShane bring to County? Assuming we agree terms. Brilliant news re De Vita
  7. If you ever watch STV news, Rachel Stewart has the worst accent in the history of television. She constantly sounds like she has a cold
  8. And just like Sernas and De Vita he "needs a bit of work to get up to full fitness". Disappointing in a way, yes we need players but we need players of that calibre who are fit and ready to go now with crucial games coming up.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/31437789 Another defender coming in
  10. Whats happening to the San Siro? Inter Milan taking it over?
  11. Seems to be on paper anyway the kind of signing we were crying out for an attacking midfielder/striker.
  12. Wish I could say I'm surprised by that Record article but I'm not. It just confirms how much of an arse Adams was
  13. Just caught up with the last two episodes, after a slow start this series has really picked up brilliant viewing.
  14. I have just started playing Rome Total War again after a few years. What a game forgot just how good it was
  15. The standard on POF isn't half bad you know definetly a few gems to be found.
  16. What are these Tinder moments all about? Not that I'm complaining or out, keep getting sent pics from one of my matches. Seem to be getting alot more success on POF than Tinder.
  17. Interesting appointment. Wouldn't go as far as saying I'm happy with it given his time spent in charge with Dunfermline in the Premiership wasn't great. He has a point to prove though and good luck to him..
  18. User Actions Following Ross County have drawn up a 4-5 man shortlist of candidates for the vacant manager's job in Dingwall Reply Retweeted Favorite More So who do we reckon then? Gary Locke Danny Lennon Kenny Shields Butcher/Malpas
  19. Easily. Guarantee we don't have the smallest playing budget in the league. When we signed Arquin for example Tommy Wright is quoted as saying they where close to signing him but we offered more. Klok never got a chance to show anyone what he could do a handful of appearances isn't enough to judge him
  20. Unbelievable turnaround in players when you see it like that. The only club it seems who year in year out have to make huge changes summer after summer. Until we start offering longer deals and getting a bit of continuity in the squad we are going to keep struggling. There's no reason for it clubs with smaller budgets than ours (St Mirren, Partick) are able to keep their squads together by offering long deals. Regarding Kolk I'm not surprised its yet another sad example of a young player not given a chance under Adams.
  21. Just home from Elgin. Impressed with Balk who sat infront of the back four and controlled things from there. De Leew was a class above as usual
  22. Not initially it didn't. Klok and Luckassen contributed nothing to the first team last season. I hope Klok is ready to push for a starting place this time around
  23. They obviously could turn out to be brilliant for our first team but I can see them spending the season in the Under 20s squad which is of no immediate benefit to our first team
  24. Dreesen looks like a good signing quite a bit of experience behind him. The other two are reminiscent of Klok and Luckassen in that they have no senior playing experience and we all know how that turned out.. Still need 5 or 6 players in atleadt
  25. Buying a case of lager from the supermarket and finding out that all 12 cans are flat. Seething
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