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Everything posted by Gnash

  1. My wife (no pics) is on a diet at the moment and is eating oats for breakfast. I haven't eaten oats since I was a kid and hated porridge, so gave them a go. I didn't make porridge as such, just oats and milk (unheated), and it was pretty good, certainly way less stodgy than proper porridge. Anyway, being a bit of a geek for this sort of thing, I played about with ingredients to try to produce a perfect breakfast in terms of nutrition, taste and cost. This is what I came up with, ready to be shot down in flames by the P+B fitness and diet gurus: 80g oats, 170 ml milk, 100ml water, 40g bran flakes and 10g protein shake powder. The key nutrition info is: 561 kcal, 10g fat, 15g sugar (almost all 'natural'), 26g protein, 14g fibre... and just 41p per portion. It tastes pretty good, is quick to make and is properly filling, not like a bowl of normal cereal that leaves me hungry 2 hours before lunchtime. Before anyone says it's lacking in fruit and veg, yes it is, but I always make up for that with lunch and dinner.
  2. Thing is I *did* go before my run, but obviously there must have been more up there... And, yes, I ran straight into the house and on to the toilet where the rest came out about 5 times faster than I'd been running.
  3. Went out for a fairly hard 11 mile run today and while I was happy with the pace, I had pretty severe bowel cramps towards the end. Anyone else ever get that shit? [pun intended]
  4. To expand a bit on ostrich steak, it's pretty amazing stuff. Half the calories of beef steak, 1/8 of the fat (and saturated fat), slightly more protein and every bit as tasty, if cooked correctly.
  5. Ok, you stick to the 900g of broccoli (roughly 2.5 supermarket packs) you'd need to eat to get the same amount of protein as half a pot of Skyr, at 3 times the price. I'll take the carcinogens.
  6. There's only 2.8g per 100g. You'd have to eat vast quantities (and spend a lot of money) to get a decent amount of protein. Better off with eggs, a protein yoghurt, ostrich steak, or if you're a vegan, beans.
  7. 5000+ miles cycling, sub 1.5 hour half marathon. Being 38 years old, any improvements on last year will be gratefully accepted.
  8. But then it pops up again if you go on to a different page. So very frequently on a site like this. Plus, on a mobile, it's quite difficult to aim correctly at the little cross without clicking on the ad itself, and then being redirected somewhere. It's not worth trying to click it off.
  9. Have any P&Bers had steam literally coming from their ears?
  10. Went out at the weekend for one final ride of the year and was rewarded with a trip to A+E and 4 stitches in my chin. Bust my helmet as well (save the Kenneth Williams pictures). I'd post the pre stitch photo but would probably have to move it to the Nightshift.
  11. Gnash


    Agree, as much as I like Hendry, he was finished about 13 years ago.
  12. I was raised on the Sherwen / Ligget combo, and they were still going on ITV up to about 3 years ago IIRC. Loved the way he always had to correct Ligget's cock ups.
  13. We can get relegated. That would be worse.
  14. Big solo ride today - 108 miles, 7100 feet of climb going around Loch Tay. The climb coming out of Kenmore is an absolute beast - averages 13% for the first mile and doesn't let off much for the next 2 miles. The last 20-25 miles back home into the headwind were hellish.
  15. Sounds a lot like our last few appointments. If he can remove the current negativity at the club then we are surely looking at Christ's second coming.
  16. The night after a dodgy 'spicy' pizza. It felt like my bowel was melting and spontaneously igniting on the way out.
  17. I'm not usually one to boast, but what the heck, I'll do it anyway. This morning I broke my distance record for solo riding at 20+mph average. 49 miles with 2000 feet of climb, 20.2 mph average. Will probably be my last big solo ride for a while with the weather turning.
  18. It certainly is racist to whitewash Osaka. Other than that, I don't have a problem with it.
  19. Have you ever done a chaingang? A great way of raising your average speed (v solo) by 20-25%, if a bit sketchy for the unwary.
  20. On the subject of meat to help with muscle building, you can't do much better than ostrich. More protein than beef, way less fat and almost unbelievably about half of the calories. Tastes great as well, if cooked properly.
  21. I think any cyclist would want to go for all the GTs in a single year but there's a very good reason why nobody has been able to win all 3. The timing and maintaining your form for that length of time is verging on the impossible with the other contenders. Nibali for example looks undercooked just now but may ride himself into peak form for the vuelta. Of course, but what else is there for Froome to achieve? And 'verging on the impossible' should not be a problem for him, given what he's already done. If he wins the Tour I'd be amazed if he doesn't go all out for the Vuelta.
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