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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. I didn't say that though, I said relative to the midfield and the strikers at the moment. That's exactly the same point as you just made. See below.
  2. You tell me, that tends to be how discourse works. On the same vein, Miller may well have played more as a defender for us than midfield. He's listed as a midfielder btw. I really dont understand why people are getting so defensive over how many defensive players we have. It's not a bad thing we just need 3 or 4 more at the mid and top of the pitch.
  3. Yeah, it's fair to say we've got flexibility with those who can play in more than one position. It's also fair to say if we make 3/4 signings in the right positions the squad will be balanced. I'm not sure either of these points is a hot take or even a controversial one. We all agree we need 3/4 signings in midfield and attack so why are we arguing over it?
  4. The above is from the squad list page before we signed Maxwell. 2 Goalkeepers 9 Defenders (10 if you add Maxwell) 5 Midfielders 3 Strikers Pretty sure my comment stands about being overstocked in defense relative to midfielders and strikers.
  5. The squad is imbalanced, that's pretty evident. With 3/4 additions in the right places it would be fairly well balanced but we're overstocked in defence at the moment relative to the midfield and strikers.
  6. Some of the posts are unreadable drivel with capital letters interspersed randomly. I didn't even attempt to read them, just scrolled past them. This game is giving me the fear... hopefully we're stuffy enough at the back that it'll be a tight affair. Hopefully Adeloye puts the ball in with his hand to give the Super a well earnt 1 nil victory. With tears from the great unwashed in the stands.
  7. What a shambles of a club, all week yous have been giving it "we can only use 2 stands" now you've got all 4 stands available and you still can't accommodate your own fans let alone away fans. Yous really are a basket case off the field. I'm sure it's really all big bad EAC's fault though.
  8. Madwullie Cup Semi Final result Dearyme gets absolutely horsed by Eindhovendee. I never managed to castle and got roundly pummelled. The Queen on f8 was a real pain in the backside. I never got it developed and suffered very badly for it. I ended up playing it to g8 and h7. Eindhovendee never let up and proceeded to grind me into dust. Well played.
  9. We actually signed a player. I am content for now but hungry for more!
  10. Newsflash - When you have troll in your username nobody will take you seriously.
  11. Could the plan be to push Reading onto the left of the midfield? I'm sure for the U21s he was often played in front of Harvie.
  12. I woulda thought Black & White TV would have put out a ransom demand by now. What sort of kidnappers are they?
  13. I wouldn't put it past the administrators of your club. They are that incompetent.
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