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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. Interesting to see clubs starting to announce who's going to be released at end of their contracts. Personally hope we keep everybody out of contract if they wish to stay, at least until JRS runs out.
  2. It's not as if you've got a crystal ball either, relax.
  3. Not quite announcing armageddon but I take your point.
  4. I'll ask again then, when did dunfermline say it could be the end? Thanks
  5. Sorry to take issue with the OP which was posted over 2 months ago but when exactly did Dunfermline say this could spell the end?
  6. Really enjoyed it, some of the drone shots of Kashmir looked phenomenal. Gave a bit of perspective when talking about internet being off for 4 months and what it must be like living in that part of the world nevermind trying to play professional football against that backdrop.
  7. Late to the party, here to post about Ryan Scully playing for Schalke today or something.
  8. This is such a fluid situation it baffles me that anybody is talking with any degree of certainty what will happen for an entire year nevermind a couple of months in front of us.
  9. We got booed off after beating Brechin at home.2-1 just before.xmas in 2017. I remember it as I had hospitality that game and was absolutely burst (carried on from Black Friday the night before). I found it to be the funniest thing ever at the time but looking back it really wasnt. Miss it.
  10. Jason Leitch pretty positive about chances of playing in front of fans in some capacity next season, felt the hub idea is definitely a goer.
  11. The more I think about it, the thought of just sacking season 20/21 off completely at this stage makes zero sense.
  12. I'm amazed the amount of posters who know with great certainty exactly how things will play out for the next 18 months. Why will things be different to start in August 2021?
  13. I don't think its need to be as black and white (pardon the pun) as that.
  14. In before folk come and shoot you down, just have to wait and see DAFC, fingers crossed though!
  15. Thistle have absolutely had everybody's pants doon [emoji23][emoji23] I contest though, that as the predictions were done on the basis of a 36ngame league season that the results should be declared null and void!
  16. In an ever-changing situation, I'd not be sticking nails in the coffin of a season that's not even started yet. Theres an opportunity to look at what other countries are doing or plan to do. Scottish football is not unique to this issue regarding playing behind closed doors being a non-starter.
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