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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. Looking on the brightside, Sevco fans get their wish of playing in England next season.
  2. My biggest fear is that we sell out due to the additional 2/4 SPL places which may be on offer. The SFL clubs are in the strong bargaining position here. Let's hope they all remember that. Edit: Also, is the extra £1m TV money really that much of an incentive? The main reason for this payment is having the rights to broadcast Sevco games. Surely that would mean they get the lions share of this cash.
  3. Decent performance last night. We passed the ball around well given the given the conditions underfoot and looked pretty threatening going forward. The two goals we conceded were sloppy, I thought. Not totally convinced by Smith, he looks a bit cumbersome. Dick looked good at LB, although he did spend a large part of the match in their half. The trialist up front wearing no. 9 looked a handy player. Some clever runs and set up the first two goals. An entertaining match with a Jordan White comedy show at the end.
  4. Statement of the fucking obvious: "Bigotry warning ahead of Orange march in Glasgow"
  5. Needing some good painkillers - the legal variety - for headaches, hangovers etc. Can anyone recommend?
  6. First thing I bought when I got paid last Friday was a bottle of Glendronach 15yo.
  7. From today's Daily Rangers: BOBBY RUSSELL admits watching his beloved Rangers being battered and bloodied on the road to extinction has been an agonising journey of personal heartache. But the 55-year-old Ibrox legend insists the time has come to take stock of the damage being inflicted on Scottish football and allow common-sense to kick in. Russell believes the carnage of liquidation can help trigger a fresh start for football in this country and is adamant the game is at a crossroads and the next move will determine whether it flourishes or dies. The former midfielder said: “Glasgow is in a state of shock but once it starts to ease just what is football in this city going to be left with? “No more Old Firm games, no Rangers and nowhere for 50,000 fans to go on a Saturday. “There must come a point where people realise the more of a kicking they give Rangers the more they are damaging the game. “I appreciate there needs to be punishments for what’s gone on but why should that include inflicting pain on the rest of the clubs. “The punishments being talked about all look to me like a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. “What is gained by having Rangers in the First or Third Division? “Are all of the fans who go to Ibrox going to be allowed to leave the game at a time when attendances in the SPL are in perilous decline? “There is so much blood lust going on that the health of Scottish football is in danger of being overlooked. “At some point the reality that Rangers and Celtic are the twin pillars of football in this country needs to be accepted and constructive planning to take the game forward has to take place. “Celtic may prosper for a few years but long term the game will suffer unless a new Rangers is competing again in the SPL.” Russell, who now coaches kids in Canada, is appalled at the demise of a club which has been the focal point in the lives of generations of Glaswegians. And the man who played almost 400 games for Rangers admits he’s still coming to terms with the trauma of the last few months. He said: “When I first heard about Rangers going into administration I was gutted but at no point did I think it would lead to where we are now. “I could never have imagined I would see the day when the club no longer existed. “I always felt someone with substantial funds would step in and lead the club back from the brink. That hasn’t happened and the club I knew as Rangers is no more. “I feel heart sorry for the fans who are the innocent victims in all of this. “People who have supported the club for a lifetime have been left which a huge void. For some it will feel like a death in the family. “I keep hearing about how much some businessmen love the club but nobody has come forward to show just how much by putting up hard cash. “There needs to be less talk and more action as we are growing tired of false expectation and hopes being raised as one consortium after another comes and goes.” Bobby Russell = Delusional Sevco apologist.
  8. I can't copy and paste it but the 3rd paragraph from the bottom worries me slightly as it says, "on the current rules". Maybe I'm reading too much into it but that could mean, as others have alluded to, a trade off between SPL and SFL in terms of income distribution and perhaps a play-off spot. Other than that, I'm fairly happy with the statement.
  9. Where are people seeing that Falkirk are a definite no? All that's on the fishal site is this from Friday.
  10. Super 8 & Tab are responsible for one of my favourite ever trance tunes. I'd go along to that night purely to hear them play Elektra.
  11. A few tunes which could be big this summer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR2iu07dAk0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1yV1jY1Thc
  12. I've got mixed feelings about the statement but I enjoyed the 2nd last paragraph: "Fairness is a word not often quoted in the current situation. However, I think it is worth reminding everyone that when Falkirk FC were faced with provisional liquidation in 1998, the new consortium of owners paid every creditor (including the Inland Revenue) in full, i.e. 100 pence in the pound. If we had gone down the route taken by many clubs since then, paying only a fraction to their creditors, we would have had the resources to accelerate the development of our stadium and make an earlier return to the SPL." Might stick it on my Facebook to see if I get any bites.
  13. Let's assume for a second that this isn't total BS... Why are Bury being touted as a potential buy?
  14. John MacMillan from the Rangers Supporters Association stating the obvious: “I think the fans would be angry if any trophies were taken away."
  15. Half the lassies on my Facebook are depressing enough without them all watching My Sister's Keeper at the same time. Every 2nd status last night was about how sad that film is.
  16. Here's a full breakdown on the BBC website. Link
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