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Everything posted by LargsTON

  1. How's the game going? I've got £25 on Talbot so tempted to cash out.
  2. Did you dress up for a fight when you ran away from Airdrie too ya big rascal?
  3. What the f**k is this? Gave up a quarter of the way through ya boring b*****d.
  4. If I was "that laddies dad" I'd put him on a crash diet. Marshmallow looks about 30 btw so I doubt Daddy will have to hunt anyone down
  5. And here he is in all his glory. Last seen under a rock in Lord Of The Flies.
  6. Marshmallow is the fat peppa pig lookalike with the specs.
  7. Surely not! This inside info cos I cant see him retired at 30?
  8. Yeah. What I meant was is the game likely to be in any danger?
  9. How's the weather up there? I see there are flood warnings on the BBC.
  10. Itd have been nice if the police had just stepped aside and let Brown leather the wee c**t tbh.
  11. Yep. We scraped over the line but Thumbhead cobbled together a team of relative diddies at short notice and still got the job done.
  12. No it isn't. Several teams have absolutely pished it in recent years. Teams with far less resources than Ray McKinnon (baby) has at his disposal.
  13. I was Beaver and Alf Hucker back in the day btw. Is the Falkirk shuttle still a thing? What about that psycho bloke that used to post on here? This new generation of Falkirk fans are pitiful in comparison
  14. It's a nostalgic post and not a word I used. You clearly weren't around this forum 15 years ago. Stop being such a drama queen, its cringeworthy.
  15. Why the f**k does mongg autocorrect to swampy?
  16. Tbh I dont know if him and St Sid are even alive anymore. Auld Purpleheid, slug Gilmour and the Falkirk swampy were the halcyon days
  17. I used to love your spats with sensible many moons ago. Just thought I'd mention that.
  18. I'm a lovely bloke. I save being an arsehole for those who merit it. You're hurting like Marshmallow cos myself - like my club - repeatedly put you back in your box over the course of last season. No doubt that trend will continue into 2020 as the point and laughing continues. Enjoy your Sunday my good man.
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