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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. But you're saying Dundee were only missing out on something that they had potential access to - a place in next year's top flight. Exactly the same goes for Hearts.
  2. But to simplify it to that extent is to treat as fact the idea that you were going get enough points to stay up, and I think there's very little basis for that assumption.
  3. stifledlaughter.gif Edit, because I can't stifle the laughter after all: honestly, this Hearts narrative that you were just on the cusp of becoming a decent side again is what's driving all of this fucking whining. Citing a lack of access to Europe via the league next season is a crystal clear example of how collectively delusional you are. Get down.
  4. Not sure why they'd have been talking about reconstruction ahead of the vote, given that the vote had precisely nothing to do with reconstruction. Clubs used their vote as an opportunity to get reconstruction on the table, but prior to that it was unrelated.
  5. He has a point, tbf: that time Hearts failed to get a draw when the league title was in their hands is irrevocably linked to the time Celtic put up a sign without permission at our ground and were quickly made to take it down. I hope this is the standard of evidence we're due to expect from Budge's puppetmasters. Edit: just saw djc's post. Needn't have bothered, I guess.
  6. Not even any stripes on the back of that. The way those stripes are just cut off at the top just looks shoddy. Terrible.
  7. Wish they'd hurry up. I'm on tenterhooks here, knowing the SPFL is about to get taken down any time now.
  8. Either way, though, the reasons for not offering loans to all clubs in the current climate remain completely sound, surely?
  9. Having the immediate future of the game - with potentially catastrophic implications for some clubs if the wrong decision is reached - being bogged down in a 12-year-old semantic debate is peak Scottish football.
  10. No... The 'call the leagues now' option. Avoids the contracts issue very neatly.
  11. There's an outstanding third option, to be fair, so it's hardly the straight shootout that Kheredine's putting forward there.
  12. For those who can't be arsed reading back through [checks notes] five pages of devastating fallout from Rangers' revelations, have they brought down the entire SPFL yet?
  13. Losing your most successful ever manager because of a transfer bust-up?
  14. The timing is incredible, tbh. There's next-to-no transfer activity going on, so you're not missing out in any way while you choose the next guy. Plus, general uncertainty means nobody is really sacking managers: the merry go round has stopped. This means you've pretty much got your pick of what's available.
  15. In addition, we're at the level as a club where the furlough scheme actually helps cover a decent chunk of players' wages. But yeah, I just had a look through and it's literally a Hearts fan spouting shite and pretending to be ITK.
  16. Smart move, including Dundee in that sentence so it will at least be half right. Spelling 'their' wrong was less smart, tbf.
  17. Shame 'relegating Hearts' doesn't carry a little more weight in these threads, tbh.
  18. The beauty of that being that when the time comes they'll just be able to alter the date on the article and republish it.
  19. I like the way the headline says he shows sympathy, even though he goes on to show very fucking little.
  20. Reasonably frank (as you'd expect) interview with Jim Goodwin in the Herald today: https://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/18419688.st-mirren-boss-jim-goodwin-reveals-sympathy-hearts-counterpart-daniel-stendel/ No Jim. No we wouldn't.
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