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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. I've got a strong feeling Mihai is coming back. Just can't quite see it being Isma, as hilarious as that would be.
  2. How are your hilariously lofty expectations working out for you so far mate?
  3. I generally find it's better to keep expectations low. For clubs such as ours, hubris is all-too-often followed by crushing, tragic, embarrassing, inept, hilarious failure. I'll let you choose your own real-world example from recent footballing history to illustrate this point with.
  4. While that's true, things change - agents become desperate, players agitate to move. I've still got a weird feeling we'll see Mihai back at some point. Might not even be in this window; might even be next summer, but he clearly loved his brief time here. That sticks in players' minds when they're struggling to get a game elsewhere.
  5. The step up to getting horsed out of Europe by a part-time Welsh team? OK, we'll try our best for you. I'm kidding, of course, you won't be anywhere near Europe next season.
  6. I've been reprimanded for optimism on here recently, but I think we're in decent shape. I think we'll be playing direct & on the counter, even at home, but I think we'll be in a decent position to hit teams hard and at pace. I think it could be interesting. Bookmark this if you want, but I reckon we'll have 23 points on the board by the time Santa comes.
  7. Whenever a new pic of Goodwin appears I find myself staring at his face for just a moment too long
  8. I think a natural correctly-sided fullbacks become important if you lack width in front of them. If you're playing with narrow/inside-out wingers, then you want a full back who can get around them and offer true width. With luck, we will be playing with Durmus all season long and he'll be an absolute revelation, so having an attacking FB behind him isn't the most important thing in the world.
  9. He's right, y'know. The issue is that nobody - even seasoned football people/industry types - can let go of 4-4-2. Hardly anyone plays it any more, and even then, one of them is usually in the Sheringham role. Yet the number of times you hear 'we need someone to partner X up front'. Andreu is clearly, and rightly, going to be first choice, so we just need to work out who's partnering him. If anything, we need extra wide cover, even with McAllister coming in. Based on Goodwin's desire for two in each position, we currently have Djorkaeff (who will rarely start, IMO), Durmus, McAllister and, probably, Magennis. Flynn could play there at a push but would be wasted. That said, I don't think we will bring in anyone else. It's a compact squad, and we'll need to ride our luck with injuries, but after last season's absolute farce, I think it's preferable.
  10. That'll do for me. Assuming he goes straight in for the weekend, that means every single player will be playing in their natural position. Should be quite the sight.
  11. I think we'll get by for now with the two strikers we have, given we only play with one anyway. I do still hope a big target man comes in, but even if it doesn't happen until the last minute then I won't be too fussed.
  12. My mate who works at the shirt lettering place is leaving at the end of this month. That's the closest I've ever come to being ITK. In fairness, the last batch he gave me were N, D and R about two weeks before Andreu was confirmed.
  13. Naw. I'd stick with the line-up/shape from Saturday. Flynn - Foley Magennis - Andreu - Durmus Obika/Mullen
  14. Div now tweeting that McAllister could be in in time for Sunday. He doesn't go straight into the team, for me, but still a hell of a boost to have him back. Now, about that left back...
  15. It'd take me more brain power to work out how to write 'smfn' than 'something', tbh.
  16. Six yellows (two in one game) and two straight reds. Yeah, maybe needs to calm it a bit
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