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Everything posted by the_bully_wee

  1. I never have any luck in packs, so last night I had 40k coins and bought seven gold ones with it. Not a single good player! Best thing I got was a 2k coin unlock.
  2. Pissed off with this scripting now. Got beaten by a guy 2-0 there and just turned the PS3 off at the 85th minute. Got of number of yellow cards for perfectly fine tackles. Was red-carded for another perfectly fine tackle. His first goal came from him hitting the post then Friedel literally bombing out to the penalty spot leaving it fully open for the tap-in. Second one came from Skrtel being beaten in the air by a striker BEHIND him who was at least half a foot smaller than him. Before the goals I'd been hitting the post, bar, putting really easy shots just past the post etc. I was almost unbeatable on FIFA 12 when there was little/no scripting whatsoever. Now, I'm being shafted once every 4/5 games. Really annoying that you can't win games through no fault of your own.
  3. Just played a guy on Ultimate Team, 4-3 with 2 minutes to go, he'd been getting all sorts of luck, me missing open goals etc, had scored 4 breakaway goals, one of which hit off the post then the keeper So I break up the pitch and lob the keeper, the ball goes in... goal? Nope, despite the ball clearly going over the line no goal was given. Fortunately it didn't really matter but I'm still extremely pissed off.
  4. the_bully_wee

    South Park

    Still think the Jonas Brothers purity rings one is fantastic, one of my favourites along with "Major Boobage" (the cheesing one)
  5. Just watched them both there, pretty good. "DNA frappe"
  6. Tried to go on 4oD to watch the first two episodes last night but the first one wasn't working
  7. My attention span can be incredibly short. No sooner had I booted up FM than I quit it and went onto Black Ops
  8. Yup, very boring so far, but easier than I thought. Physics is the hardest of my subjects by far Teacher gave the first draft of a short story for my folio the highest B, and creative writing is something I'm just awful at. Result
  9. Sadly, now comes the year-long process of critiquing the play and writing essay upon essay on it. The other book we're doing is The Great Gatsby, which by all accounts sounds pretty naff too
  10. Just finished reading the play "A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams in English. Absolutely hated it.
  11. Hmm, not seen him around yet. We can only hope that with a fresh account Magee has a fresh, and substantially less frequent/shite, style of posting.
  12. Who cares? He's gone, which means no more cringeworthy wife-shagging based posts ever again (hopefully)
  13. A girl on my Facebook posted a status earlier on, saying "Anyone got a house for 6 girls" - to which some guy replied "Peter Tobin"
  14. I might have done so if I had some sort of double-headed effort, but sadly I do not and the other would continue to talk shite while said act of silencing takes place
  15. Good god, no. "Ah hate mundees" "Ah hate mundeez, choosdeez AND wednzdeez" and "That wans so hard" (wahey) "Ah think we should ask fur help" are examples of their high-quality conversations with each other.
  16. The pair of absolute roaster lassies that sit behind me in Maths...
  17. Sounds like a right firm boot in the pie needs to be administered...
  18. One of my favourite clips of Partridge;
  19. But I'm a lazy teen, and cycling indoors in a stationary fashion, where I need not think about anything besides pedalling, is the preferred and easier option!
  20. Are cycling machine users welcome or seen as heathens on this thread?
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