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Everything posted by the_bully_wee

  1. Aye, it's a nice wee course and pretty easy to play too. My lasting memory of that place will always be being stuck behind an old woman for a full 9 holes who was using a putter and a putter only. Kudos to the old dame, as she was managing 50-yard drives with the thing. I kind of picked up golf again last year after a self-imposed exile of about 3 years, basically I play with my brothers (who are considerably older and better than me) and my dad and I used to have a shite temperament due to duffing a shots and carding pish scores, bearing in mind I was only about 12. I got really hacked off and chucked it, despite being a bit of a natural at it. So, last year I decided it was time to give it a shot and I played a few rounds, but it was hard to adapt to borrowing clubs and although my play with irons and putting was decent, my driving was hopeless. I wanted to play a fair bit of golf over this summer so my brother gave me his (pretty old, but still not bad) irons as he'd upgraded to a new set, and I scrounged an old Donnay driver, golf bag and a putter from spare stuff lying around. Hit the driving range with my dad, brother and his mate on Friday there after my last exam and took the driver and a 5 and 8 iron from the set, before tearing my right hand to absolute shreds - went away with 3 blisters on my right hand, one of which was totally cut open. Ouch. Thankfully I had a glove for my left hand! I did hit some nice shots and some fantastic 200+ yard drives that were completely straight, so it was good to hit a few balls. Then, against my better judgement, I played a round with my dad at a nearby par-68 course yesterday, with my wounded right hand plastered to the high heavens. I started off horrifically and went out in a generous 60, with my dad charitably allowing me a few shots. The plasters offered nothing and my blisters were even worse, and nothing was going right. My shite temperament was back, before I changed my glove over to my right hand to protect the blisters. From there I played the best golf of my life; I outdrove my dad several times, once with a 3 iron which I hit about 200 yards, and came back in 46 - my touch around the greens wasn't as good as it normally was, as they were running pretty fast, otherwise it could've been nearer 40. Only 2 off my dad who is a decent player. Overall, it's good to be playing golf again and now I'm more mature I'll have to start enjoying it even when I'm playing poorly. It's also so much easier to hit the ball a good distance now - I was over-hitting quite a lot of shots due to the fact I've not played semi-regularly for years
  2. Can people exploit the game so that others experience severe lag whilst they don't? Just played in a game which took 5 minutes to reach 20 on the clock, and I counted the time between each (lengthy, about 2 seconds-long) blip - precisely 14 in-game seconds each time. He didn't seem to be lagging whatsoever - he could dribble, do his skills and seemed unaffected in defence while I was all over the place. Ended up quitting, extremely frustrating to play under
  3. Aye, surprised I've never seen it before, I quite enjoyed it. She constituted a large part of my enjoyment, but still!
  4. Physics was no bad. Only Chemistry left now. I reckon I'll have all B's at worst, could probably have had 5 A's if I was at all able to study. Frustrating.
  5. Shook hands with Frank Mulholland tonight (the Lord Advocate), who later gave a speech with an anecdote about some of the more peculiar duties associated with his job - which include spending 3 days per year inspecting lighthouses and regulating the publishing of Bibles.
  6. English was fairly easy and I'll be very disappointed if I haven't got a B. I might, just might, have an A. I think my essays were a bit short though - the line ruling always throws me!
  7. You don't necessarily need lots of quotes for an essay, with only one or two I can comfortably get 17-19's. I know a few basic over-used ones but that's all, I need to revise more to cover more types of questions.
  8. I'm far better at essays in English than the Close Reading (then again, in my school 30/50 for a Close Reading is regarded as excellent), the only issue being I haven't found or revised any quotes yet. I reckon I'll end up with a B which is quite frustrating, but given the fact I've had a disaster of a teacher, not all that bad.
  9. It'll be interesting for me too - I've had an incredibly incompetent teacher and haven't started finding or revising quotes yet.
  10. The word is that he's going back to Stranraer. He's denied it on his Twitter, but he's definitely a cut above the Third Division - in any case I can't see him coming to us for the peanuts we can offer, as much as I'd love to see him back.
  11. Higher Information Systems exam tomorrow - a bit of a damage limitation exercise. Aiming for the heady heights of a B.
  12. First exam next Tuesday - and it's my worst subject, Information Systems. Taught by a substitute Computing teacher who learned the course herself whilst teaching us, nobody attained a pass in the prelim - not one person in a class filled with pretty intelligent pupils got more than 40%. Add in the fact it's the most tedious subject in existence and only a handful of Scottish schools offer it, all roads are currently leading to C or below. Not good.
  13. The thing I hate most about FIFA is that you can be on CoD and play games with an absolutely seamless connection, then you go on for a game of FIFA and the connection is unplayably poor.
  14. the_bully_wee

    South Park

  15. I think I posted the very same question on this thread a while back - can't remember whether or not it was answered but I believe they've been discontinued, which is a real shame as they were much better than the Chicken and Mushroom flavour I've now had to settle for.
  16. You must've been misinformed somewhere along the line, there's only six of us.
  17. I'm disgusted that the much-loved boot in the pie hasn't been mooted as a suitable remedy yet
  18. It's no surprise the North Koreans are all so bitter, as I'm certain I read somewhere that, on average, their men have the smallest penises in the world.
  19. Sarah Millican just about clinches it for me. I think I've posted several times on here about just how much I hate her. Grr.
  20. Female "comedians" always find some way to impose themselves on my TV screen. Not one of them is even remotely funny. I want to bang my head repeatedly off a brick wall.
  21. Someone on my Facebook just spelled "paedophiles" as "phedophilles" when talking about how he hopes Celtic "get to experience getting rapped up the arse [for a change]"
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