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Everything posted by the_bully_wee

  1. I like to think I keep quite good control over the presence of morons on my Facebook, but this little blighter seems to have slipped the net:
  2. Saw Kenny Shiels in Braehead today, buying women's clothes in River Island. Surely the Morton job hasn't induced a mid-life crisis already?
  3. East Stirlingshire busted my 157/1 five-fold yesterday. Having said that, they were a bit of a speculative pick at 3/1.
  4. And having a good car is a necessity? You're forgetting that for a $25k outlay on a garage you can get a free Elegy RH8 - which is a great car - even without upgrades.
  5. Having trouble finding the version of "Sleepwalking" (the trailer song) which is played in the game and in the radio (with the different ending). Can anyone help me out?!
  6. Funnily enough I wasted this evening online with my mates holding up stores, racing and generally rampaging. Much better than I thought the online would be, might go some way to alleviating the pain!
  7. I got it the Wednesday after release and have been playing it since with a 3-4 day period where I played mostly the new FIFA. Just finished it about an hour ago, verge of tears that it's over
  8. Got 2 missions left to do - part of me wants to cry, I haven't enjoyed a game like this in a long time. To think I was incredibly apprehensive about getting it and almost gave it a miss! To put it into perspective the only other GTA I have completed was the original... I've played all of them and grown tired of the missions or not been able to complete them (couldn't do the GTA3 final mission and got annoyed so just abandoned it) and the best compliment I can pay this game is that I haven't used a single cheat or gone on a civilian rampage yet, which is what GTA normally descends into for me. Dunno how they'll top this one!
  9. Trying to do a Beverley mission and I have to use the phone camera to take a picture but I can't access the camera due to the Social Club not working. Any way around this?
  10. Not after a greenie but I'm stuck in the house bored during a double free period, so I obliged!
  11. Well, my copy of this arrived this (or yesterday, I guess) morning after much to-ing and fro-ing over whether or not to get it and I've already lost 10 hours of my life to it. Really enjoying it so far - I can't remember ever playing a game so much in one day. The driving is great, the combat is great, the graphics are in some parts absolutely astounding; there was one angle I got of Michael's driveway and house which looked just as though it was on TV. I really like how the characters all have their own individual missions and intertwine, too. I've done 20 missions so far. Trevor is absolutely hilarious although I haven't switched back to him yet to see his antics! The mini-games are really fun too - absolutely annihilated a "normal" difficulty opponent in my first tennis game 3-0 and carded a cool 7 under in my first round of golf including an eagle. I found flight school pretty tricky but after two hours of impatient grafting I managed to get all golds as Franklin. Really looking forward to getting more into it over the September weekend and then the online will be out soon after! Edit: my highlight so far was
  12. First draft of my personal statement's due on Wednesday. Trying to make a start on it just now but I'm unsure of whether or not to gear it towards Chemical Engineering (my first choice) or keep it more generic to Chemistry alone. My choices are Chemical Engineering MEng and BEng, Chemistry MChem, Chemistry with Drug Discovery MChem and Pharmacy MPharm. Nightmare.
  13. As of today, I'm now officially a student at Glasgow Caley Uni. Bovine university, etc, although it is only to do Advanced Higher Maths as my school won't run it. Having said that I was quite impressed with it, considering its reputation.
  14. I just walked past Christine Bleakley of on-the-telly fame. This is the latest of a spate of celebrity-based incidents over the last year including being followed on Twitter by Wagner and walking past Raymond from River City.
  15. Good to see Club DECE expanding and growing stronger whilst your far-less-cool Club DOSS rivals are frantically trying to be a part of something. #godeceorgohome #dossistoss
  16. There was an absolute brain donor on my bus, although thankfully he wasn't on for long (about 10/15 mins). In spite of his short stay, he managed to first of all endear himself to other passengers by telling an elderly man to "hurry the f**k up" in getting to his seat, make phone calls to about 4 different friends over two mobiles about how much he wanted to get drunk, bash proddies and batter c***s today, and also produce a brand spanking new Celtic top with "GBNL" printed on the back. The experience was compounded when the bus passed an Orange Walk and he started shouting "proddy c***s!!" and battering on the window. A total oxygen thief but it was quite funny to see such a stereotypical Old Firm fan.
  17. Out of the next 4 weeks, I'll be in Glasgow for about 12 hours. Pleasing.
  18. Just searched for her on Twitter as I had no idea who she was. I still have no idea, and she isn't even verified. Absolute nobody, IMO.
  19. Wagner followed me on Twitter tonight and I believe I have won at life. Is this, indeed, the case?
  20. This belongs in the Twitter thread but I'm so damn overjoyed about this that putting it in the Twitter thread simply won't feel right. If only there was a "Reasons to be Overjoyed" thread. Wagner, the Brazilian showstopper who appeared on The X Factor a few years ago just followed me on Twitter. The man behind this performance;
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