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Everything posted by squeezeboxson

  1. Decent addition I'd say. Thought he was a bit older than 30. Hopefully he does well.
  2. Didn't think he was as of his new contract at the start of the season. Not listed as a player on the site (I don't think) but I agree he is probably on the same - or even increased - wage as last season when he was a 'player'/manager.
  3. Not sure you are serious. Pretty sure he isn't getting a players wage. The giveaway was last season when he told fans at a meet the manager meeting, 'you won't see me playing' or something along those lines.
  4. His career could have been so much bigger had he been given the chance. Seemed every time he got the the premiership down south (3 or 4 times I think!!) He was left out of the squad or sent on loan. Never really given a proper chance. Still done really well right enough. Still look out for his name every week.
  5. Wish I (and many other sons fans) could share your confidence. Still think that although we scored 3 on Saturday we lack a real goal threat.
  6. Yeah, we definitely have 1 loan signing left as Findlay and Petrie are development loans. Interesting if we aren't planning on bringing anyone in. As I said before, it could be a case that Murray has an extra couple of weeks to bring in loans (as I was saying before) and is in no rush as we have this weekend off. Be astounded if we aren't looking at bring anyone in though!!
  7. Can you not sign loanees for a few weeks after the window shuts? I know you can bring in free agents until March but I thought there was a bit longer with loan signings too? May be completely wrong though!
  8. He is at Dunfermline now. Believe he was swapped in a deal which seen Ross Forbes move to Morton. They then played each other in the alba game a few days later (iirc).
  9. On the plus side... another 'development loan'. Which means we should still have a full loan signing to use?
  10. Agree with this. DVZ has been great, especially since he came back into the team a few weeks back, but is not a wing back. Granted, I thought he was our best player away to Raith last week!
  11. I'm not really sure to be honest. Of that is the case, couldn't any of the others have been development loans..? Unless it is to do with age? But I'm not sure of all our loanees ages'. Andy reported that it was written in the match programme.
  12. Interestingly, read on the Dumbarton Terrace that Murray says we still have 1 loan remaining as Findlay is only on a 'development loan'. If true it could aid us quite considerably!
  13. "Colin has opted to move on and we wish him well with that." Would be nice to see things on our own site before you see them in papers.
  14. The only positive if Nish goes is that we have his wage to spend. There are many negatives though. I think he was an important player for us - regardless of all the stick he got. He gave us a completely different option. We need to replace his 2 roles in a week. We have used all our loans and it is halfway through the season, so not many free agents who will do a good job at this level. Anyone worth signing won't be a free agent in January. Tough times! ETA: We may be looking for another Shug Murray kinda deal. Where we find a players later on in his career who isn't getting games in and is happy to take a step back to part time etc. Peter Macdonald would have been a great shout from Dundee but sadly he and Morton have built up such a bond he went straight back there.
  15. The slight worry for me is that we only have 1 loan remaining (I think). Where I think we should be looking to bring in 2 or 3 players. We won't find many free agents who are going to make a massive difference to our first team so may find ourselves short for the remainder of the season. I hope I'm wrong, as I say it isn't a huge concern... yet. ETA - basically the same as Moonster says above. He just beat me to it!
  16. Would be great but I reckon he will be able to find full time football somewhere.
  17. I don't disagree with that completely to be honest. I was very shocked that we re-signed him after last season. I'd also say, he contributed more this season than he did the whole of last season. So I'm not sad to see him leave, wish him all the best and hope we bring in a decent player or 2 to replace him.
  18. Interesting we are letting Shagger go considering our lack of wide options. I still think he had something to offer and find it a little bit surprising. I really hope we have something else lined up then!!
  19. I remember when they first got Pellie along as a mascot. My Grandpa used to take us to the game and when he went home to tell my gran that Dumbarton had an elephant mascot she was amazed at how they got away with having a real elephant in the stadium and on the pitch! Haha. Aye, he got sent off in a match vs Morton I'm sure!
  20. Have to agree. Absolute no brainer for me. I know Andy Graham will get a lot of plaudits and will get votes for his commitment, but I don't think he has been as consistently good this month as previously. I would also have had Gilhaney in that vote miles ahead of Andy and Mitch. This month he has been in his best and most consistent form for a long time!
  21. FWIW, I don't reckon 52 weddings a year is that ambitious. There is probably scope for having over 100 functions a year if your add in the young farmers - who book the function suite on numerous occasions throughout the year - and any other functions (birthdays etc). A lot of people are also getting married on days other than Saturdays. It would all probably depend on the suitability of the hall(s) and the prices. It is definitely a realistic target though.
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