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Billy Jean King

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Everything posted by Billy Jean King

  1. Two in a week including the 50yo captain, sweet. Big Jasmine and wee Jeanie may need "consoling" tonight. I reluctantly volunteer my services
  2. I like Anderson he would do fine in a better team but all the rumours were he had signed a PCA with guess who........Killie
  3. Aye been over to both Cologne and Leverkusen, they virtually are joined. Agreed not much in Leverkusen (we stayed in Cologne and travelled into Leverkusen for a game). I seem to remember the small glasses of Kolsch being 2.50-3.00 and a "proper" sized beer being about 4-4.50 so probably 5e not that wide of the mark right enough. I dare say the fan zones will be dear but hopefully it's Bittburger with it being the official beer partner and not crap like Bud.
  4. You won't (or shouldn't) be paying 5-6e in Leverkusen but probably be that in Munich but for budgeting probably best to go on the max side.
  5. It's February and we haven't been out the top 5 all season. Not sure why all the negativity about a transfer window where we haven't lost anyone we thought we might plus added a few. No one knows how close we were to VV, we might have been "used" to force the deal through or force up the terms. I for one was stunned we were even linked so not sure how serious it was. Cant honestly see too much this window to be despondent about.
  6. Surely Jack is worse in that his claim was he is a "luddite" and only did it to "free up space". At least the rest admitted they did it as part of routinely advised practice no matter how wrong that practice seems to have been. As I said it's descended into a pathetic party political point scoring farce.
  7. If nothing else his "revelation" today will hopefully stop Gove, Dross etc trying to claim some sort of moral high ground over WhatsApp messaging. Every single party was doing the exact same thing, there is no moral high ground, they have all been at it.
  8. Absolutely, too many tangents being created and too many people looking for answers to completely different issues at the other end. The "victims" groups lead by their lawyer Anwar want to know why they didn't go harder, sooner to save their loved ones who died, the "survivors" groups claim to have been abandoned with long Covid and want to know why. Businesses like the hospitality sector want the polar opposite answers ie why did they go so hard and for so long damaging their livelihoods. Add in petty points scoring, internal party rumblings and a constant indy/ union slant and it becomes obvious it's a huge charade going nowhere at massive expense to the public purse.
  9. Baccus highly unlikely to be going to any potential suitors this window while ensconced in a tournament camp thousands of miles away. No way he's leaving the squad for transfer negotiations, medicals, contract signing etc. And the level of clubs likely to be interested will not be sending teams out there to do that even assuming the Oz boss agreed which surely would be a no.
  10. There a public toilet quite literally a few FEET from that shop in Arthur street. Disgusting if true, however I'm struggling to see how the public are accessing the rear of these properties as it backs onto a barrier controlled works car park unless there is access via the old Wilco loading bay now it's closed.
  11. Dont know but surely cabinet meetings would be, no one seemed to ask these questions just obsessing over WhatsApp. No idea how the line of questioning today will ever get the answers the relatives are looking for. There spokeswoman said as much on the news this evening. The whole thing is just politicking in front of cameras. From Holyrood v Westminster to the factions within the SNP it's just a huge waste of public funds.
  12. I haven't been to a meeting that was minuted for years includingat the Scottish Govt. They are usually just recorded or filmed.
  13. Been following this for a couple of weeks. Clearly a lot more to it than they are revealing.
  14. Away from 16 hours darkness at least. Horses for courses like most things in life. If firmly a summer person.
  15. Folk going on as if suddenly Dundee have morphed into Real Madrid. This is Dundee who bar schooling Livi have only won 3 league games all season !
  16. Do these get offered via another random selection process and hence only those offered get an email or is it a first come first served on the ticket site ?
  17. Hoho was only a matter of time for the "returning" Jedi. Looks like he's on the road now though. A slow burner this time round.
  18. Surely Sarwar would be out on his arse if the SNP still retain the most seats overall in Scotland. As it stands if Labour still trail the SNP at Westminster given their current momentum and the obvious opposite with the SNP it will be seen as a poor outcome especially given this will likely be the best position relative to the SNP they will ever go into an election with ? I've no doubt HY will be punted after the election unless they perform much better than polls suggest but a reset then would see them on a firmer footing going forward. This is Labours open goal, their one big chance to gain the majority of seats in Scotland. If they cant do that this year they probably never will. What is exactly is Labours target in Scotland in the GE ???
  19. Let's have a system, we can call it the Gardner scale, for Well fans to rate each of their players we sign or are rumoured to be signing. It can be a 1-10 scale with Gardner obviously being a 1
  20. Bizarrely I have no recollection of the phone line for that but we were only planning on going to Paris for the Brazil game and we knew we had tickets for that in the bag so probably wasn't looking. I do remember the Glasgow CC phone line farce, was that the England play off game ? Very odd set up looking back nowadays.
  21. A Lockheed Tri-star no less. That particular aircraft entered service in 1973 so was a mere 25 years old in 1998 . Lovely comfy interior surely ? Amazing folk remember how tickets were sold back in the day. I had all 3 at Euro 96 but can't remember how they were sold (STC member since way back). France 98 I got the Brazil ticket as I went to an away qualifier (France I think) and I got offered tickets for the Morocco game the day before the match when back home via Craig Burley's parents (long story) but couldn't find flights for love nor money that would get us there and back in time so missed it, not the worst outcome in hindsight.
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