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Arthur Orton

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Everything posted by Arthur Orton

  1. It's a very strong negotiating position and to accept an offer of 5pct with the shortages, morale etc would be crazy in my opinion. Let's not forget the almost ten years of pay freezes and austerity. Wages are way down in real terms. Acceptance of 5pct would be crazy.
  2. McGinley with Rory on 18, "now if he can just get a hole in one he's still in this, and he can you know, yes he can".
  3. They always have been, who can forget their reprehensible behaviour at this very course back in 1999. Chuck in Kiawah Island, the abuse Monty got everywhere and its their modus operandi. Thick inbed scum.
  4. 0/10 effort from Dindeleux. The fella was an outstanding talent who didn't get the full recognition his talents deserve. Should have played for Scotland in my opinion and was a player I enjoyed watching even as an opponent. People will remember him and his ability for years to come. Gary Holt, nah not so much.
  5. Just gorilla glued my fingers together. #winning.
  6. I've found his account. The way,he has been banned is the way Div can do it so he must have requested that for it to happen. Hopefully he's doing ok as I've saw what he posted in depression thread.
  7. Hopefully this sees the end of Jack Leach, an utter wet wipe of a bowler.
  8. What a shite debate. Everyone knows the most prestigious tournament ever in club fitba was... The Tennents Sixes. Carry on.
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